Since sdee did post this in different threads and myself posting a savegame in one of those threads, I thought about opening a thread to stuff (maybe) all those savegames in one single thread. (did i write thread?)
Here is my first house and savegame
Thanks to everyone who has posted his buildings that will not be build.
If you have skip the main site:
Hey everyone,
Stephanie is currently enjoying the last of her well-earned vacation, so I (Chris) am here to fill in for
Desktop Tuesday this week with some updates on what I’ve been doing.
One of the things I’ve been looking at recently is fixing our building system. Right now, it’s really easy
to design a building that will cause your hearthlings to throw up their little hands and shout “nope” at the top of their lungs (which, come to think of it, would be a pretty cool little effect to see in the game).
There’s even a mega-thread we set up in the discourse where you can upload links to your unbuildable building templates.
The good news is that many of these buildings now build (on my computer, anyway :))
There’s still lots of work left to do until we have something that’s both user-friendly and powerful, but Alpha 15 should be much much better for all the aspiring architects out there playing Stonehearth.
Everyone helps to make this game better, soooo keep on posting buildings, even after Alpha 15 is released