Category | Topics |
Site FeedbackDiscussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.
Community FeedbackA means of collecting specific feedback on a given topic. This category can potentially encompass threads for question gathering as well as community opinions and preferences on design directions. Topics that simulate polling by using the "like" system should also be housed here.
DevelopmentFor questions, discussions and updates regarding the development of the game.
Fan MediaFor all player created content, developed outside the game itself, including music, wallpapers, fan art, fan fiction, YouTube, Twitch, and other gameplay videos, etc.
GameplayFor everything related to the gameplay experience of Stonehearth, be it queries, questions, discussion, or just a great story you wish to share with the community.
General DiscussionFor when you have a topic about something that doesn't fit into any other category or just want to chat amongst yourselves.
MetaDiscussion about this forum and how it works – deciding what sort of topics and replies are appropriate here, what the standards for posts and behavior are, and how we should moderate our community.
ModdingFor discussing player submitted or proposed mods big and small, including designs, objectives, implementation steps, etc. As well as any tutorials or discussions pertaining to modding.
Modeling & AnimationFor any questions and discussions pertaining to Qubicle (the voxel modeling tool used in Stonehearth), as well as model animation using 3DSMax, Blender and other tools. This could include tutorials, tips and tricks, links to resources, or if you simply wish to share your creations and see what the rest of the community is making.
Other GamesFor when you have a topic about games other than Stonehearth, from existing franchises, to indie developments to Kickstarter campaigns and everything in between.
Scripting & CodeFor everything pertaining to writing code for Stonehearth, from the scripting language Lua, to HTML and CSS JS. This could include tutorials, tips and tricks, links to resources, etc.
SuggestionsIs there something you feel can be improved? Do you have something you feel should be included in the game? Or do you just want to see what other people are suggesting? Well, you've come to the right place!
SupportSomething not working? Please let us know here!