Inn or Individual Housing?

This is the best option for broken building right now. If a building doesn’t build with the “ib” command, remember that you have to select if first. Sometimes I have to go in and out of the build menus to get it to work. Also hitting ESC will close menus including the command console. For some reason on my game the little X is always just out of reach. Best of luck in your builds.

If you create something particularly disastrous post it in the impossible builds thread so they can use it to make the build system better.

Also, @Hatty-hime the KS also get baby dragons and mammoths. T.T

I’d say I’m super disappointed that I only discovered the game at steam launch… but they’ve been waiting a long time, they deserve their puppies, kittens, mammoths, and dragons. From the description on the KS page, it seems they will get these little guys at the start of every game. Maybe we’ll be able to tame these creatures in game the same way that the trapper tames creatures now, and it’ll just take more time/levels/resources, also I expect that if they do it this way the creatures will be region specific. It could also be cool if you could build a trappers workbench a some level to create traps made for doing just this.

The biggest problem with doing KS only in game rewards like this (I have some for other games,) is that the code for piece is written into every copy of the game, it’s a little silly not to include it in the world. It’s making your backers feel appreciated and not cheated is the problem. I’ve seem people solve this by changing the color for the KS versions. Which doesn’t seem like the best solution here. The other way is making it free for the KS supporters and just part of the way the game progresses for everyone else. I think most people would be happy to fight a horde of dragons, steal an egg and complete some strangely complicated recipe to get the baby dragon that KS players had on Day 1.

Oh, I got kind of ranty there.

TLDR: There are ways they can implement the KS extras into the game and still have everyone be happy. I’m sure they’ve already thought of these and will work through it when the time comes.