Also, I suck at naming topics.
Wasn't happy with cold lights from lanterns, so by the power of blacksmithery my hearthlings have invented
Which is inspired by braziers from Portal Knights (but not really similar). Also, now with 100% more voxels.
…Because there is never enough of the stuff.
My first try at MagicaVoxel so critisize the crap out of it.
It’s also lore-friendly! At least I hope it is.
Current version: 1.1с
**Wooden torch** Crafted by: carpenter (no requirements) Resources: 1 wood, 1 thread (any) Stats: constant light, medium range, wall mount Clayware candle
Crafted by: potter lvl2
Resources: 1 clay
Stats: constant light, small range, ground/table mount
Inspired by that game with flying khajiits.
Stone candelabra new!
Crafted by: mason lvl3
Resources: 1 stone
Stats: constant light, medium range, ground/table mount
Heavily inspired by SkySaga (I wouldn’t even use the word “inspired” here since the changes are minimal)
Tall stone candelabra new!
Crafted by: mason lvl4
Resources: 2 stone
Stats: constant light, medium range, ground mount
Based on SkySaga design.
Tin lamp
Crafted by: blacksmith lvl1
Resources: 1 tin ingot, 1 clay
Stats: nighttime light, small range, ground/table mount
A wick behind the glass.
Brass lamp
Crafted by: blacksmith lvl2
Resources: 1 bronze ingot, 1 clay
Stats: nighttime light, small range, ground/table mount
A traditional storm lantern design aka “Fledermaus”.
Iron torch
Crafted by: blacksmith lvl2
Resources: 1 iron ingot, 1 thread
Stats: constant light, long range, wall mount
An oil-fueled torch. Unlike wooden torch, gives no smoke.
Iron brazier
Crafted by: blacksmith lvl2
Resources: 1 iron ingot, 1 wood
Stats: constant light, long range, ground mount
A grill pretending to be a light source.
Steel torch
Crafted by: blacksmith lvl4
Resources: 1 steel ingot, 1 thread
Stats: constant light, long range, wall mount
An oil-fueled torch loosely based on SkySaga design.
Steel brazier
Crafted by: blacksmith lvl4
Resources: 1 steel ingot, 1 coal
Stats: constant light, long range, ground mount
Inspired by Portal Knights.
Steel lantern new model!
Crafted by: blacksmith lvl4
Resources: 1 steel ingot, 1 clay
Stats: nighttime light, long range, wall mount
1.1c - Wooden lantern is now smaller, should fit in 3-block high corridors - beta Steel lantern!1.1b:
- New model for steel lantern
- Light range for all lights significantly increased
- Rebalanced prices. All light sources now should worth slightly more than their ingredients.
- Beta version of iron torch!
1.1 “Candles and cookies”
New clayware candle!
-PS. Some links to make me feel comfortable being alone and all. Also someone might find this useful.
Reference for positioning applies mostly to Qubicle, but can also be useful for Magica (axis system is the same). Note to self: Magica places model origin in the corner of the model. Hadn’t found how to change that so json shifting to the rescue.
SHED viewer for quick viewing of cubemitters. Note to self: accepts only unpacked smods as valid paths. Throws an error if you try to reference an effect inside a packed smod. Works normal in the game though.
Suddenly Praise. (outdated)
Also GitHubbed. (updates first)
On GitHub click “Clone or download”, then download as ZIP. Unpack the only folder in the ZIP archive (lodewall_lights-master), rename it to lodewall_lights and drop into your SH mods folder.
In case anyone’s gonna use MagicaVoxel for models, here’s the palette I used. All the colors are picked from existing SH vanilla models (order, right to left: steel, iron, clay, weapon/armor wood, copper, tin, bronze, silver, gold, some more wood (not all, there are too much colors), glass, cloth and some stone in the end).