[A14/A15] The buildings my hearthling will not build Thread

I found that if you want a raised platform house, the easiest thing to do is to build the platform and then build the house on top of it as a separate entity that fits the stairs using a prefab house that you saved. It does take a bit of doing with adding extra ladders, but they will build it. The only problem is they’ll double up the floor with the slab below it which lightens the floor up considerably due to voxel overlap.


Same problem actually. Basically, the Hearthlings can’t reach the blocks in these cases and ultimately don’t finish the roof, I think maybe the AI wants them to build walls first, then get to the roof. If they can’t get to the wall, they will never attempt to finish the roof. Just my thoughts on this. If you change the roof so that there aren’t any wall blocks floating that Hearthlings can’t reach, it builds fine.

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I had assumed that was the case, interestingly, even if you build pillars or ladders next to the floating blocks they still never place them. While simply building rectangular builds without interesting roof patterns is a solution, I would like to see the bugs fixed some I don’t have to curb myself creatively


I’ve been watching a few streams the past couple of days and that the Hearthlings stop building once they reach the roof seems to be a huge issue. Luckily I was there to help them out with a few console tips like using ib to finish off a house so they could continue play, but we all know that’s not ideal. I don’t know if it has to do with the new overhang options or not.

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Hey Everyone,

Thanks so much for all your building reports. We’re doing another pass on building right now, so this will be super helpful. Also helpful: could you upload problematic buildings as templates for us? That way, we can try to figure out what’s wrong in fresh environments.


Mod edit:
This topic will continue to be used for Alpha 15 templates.
In order to upload a building template:

  1. Save your build as a template in game.
  2. Open your game directory. Default location for a Steam install is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stonehearth Default location for a Humble install is C:\Program Files (x86)\Stonehearth\
  3. Navigate to the building templates stored in \saved_objects\stonehearth\building_templates
  4. Locate the .json file for your template. For example, if you wanted to upload the “Clay Dining Room” template, find clay dining room.json.
  5. Compress the .json file to a .zip file.
  6. Right click the file you wish to zip.
  7. Left click Send to.
  8. Left click Compressed (zipped) folder
  9. Hit enter on your keyboard.
  10. Upload the file to this thread in the Discourse by clicking the upload button in the editor and navigating to the file, or drag the file into the editor with your mouse.
  11. Important! Please be sure to list which build the template fails in. For A15, please provide the specific build number, as there may be building related changes.

If you encounter any difficulties with uploading (or are a new user), please post in this thread and mention the moderators (@moderators) and we will do our best to assist you.


I could find loads of un-buildalbe structures, Can these also include stuff built with slabs. Also can it include stuff that hearthlings won’t touch, I’ve had a few, its different to the idle bug. I’ve got a few templates around, and could make a few more :wink:


I see no reason why it would hurt, but cannot guarantee that you will be able to build everything you can imagine once this latest building pass takes place. As has been mentioned before, the devs cannot imagine or test everything we (the community) can come up with, so the more test cases you can give them (in the form of templates) the better!


rock house.zip (10.8 KB)

My first building and it is unusable because of the staircase :frowning: .


Hey there @cypher50, welcome to the Discourse! Thanks for the template, and yes, unfortunately staircases do seem to cause some issues at the moment. Hopefully not for long :smile:!


Ok, here’s one that’s failing.

They build about half the roof, and then stop.

big red kitchen.zip (4.8 KB)


Awesome, thanks! Would you say that the building AI got “clogged”? Could this this a new term for labor unions? :wink: What did the goblins think?


Bad Buildings.zip (34.0 KB)

several buildings that wont build, most of them were for the warehouse template contest thing. For those, the hearthlings wouldnt even start building, the other building is just a small workhouse they would do up to the second floor then stop.


Also, I did finally get the warehouse to build, here is the successful building, dunno if it would help for comparisons sake.
2 story warehouse mk 7.zip (7.7 KB)

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Some sort of wizard would definitely help me divine the problem. It’s definitely casting a shadow over my play experience :wink:

Also, further observations:

When I build one of the template buildings, they finish doing the wooden roof logs before building the top layer of clay bricks.

In the custom building, they started (and finished) all the clay bricks with only half of the logs done. They never went back to the logs afterwards.


I have issue with two buildins,It is my mistake beacuse the first build i left little space so it is unfinish

The problem is the second (center) it has space but the hearthilng don’t finish and when i clicki recibe this error:

release-483 (x64)Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a functionTypeError: undefined is not a function
at SimpleClass.extend.copyMaterials (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/game/modes/build_mode/building_designer_2/grow_roof_tool.js:266:66)
at SimpleClass. (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/game/modes/build_mode/building_designer_2/building_designer_base.js:535:24)
at Function.jQuery.extend.each (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/jquery-1.10.2.js:665:23)
at App.StonehearthBuildingDesignerBaseTools.App.View.extend._updateControls (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/game/modes/build_mode/building_designer_2/building_designer_base.js:530:12)
at null._updateSelection (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/game/modes/build_mode/building_designer_2/building_designer_base.js:485:12)
at applyStr (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:19689:29)
at sendEvent (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:14610:13)
at notifyObservers (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:17805:9)
at propertyDidChange (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:17637:7)
at chainsDidChange (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.js:17733:9)

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Whyyyy so close :stuck_out_tongue: ??

:fearful:space… I buliding a villa in top of mountain, I want make with of old style city :grinning: (in top the city, wall around and few gates, big forest and lake or river in bottom). So there are very few places on the map that meet the requirement, and the space is little in the mountain :confused:

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///\ Alpha 13 ///
This is a template house from stonehearth and the won’t be build, but the roof of the sleeping quarter (or so) was builded.
/// Alpha 12 ///

Here you can see the house with the roof

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Hey @JantoolHD, can you by chance share the template for the above house? Instructions to do so are a few posts up…



here is the link of this template