Hello Discourse
After having played this game for a while and being amused by what’s already in the game, I couldn’t help but feel a bit deflated as I managed to get to the current end-game, as the game became too stale too quickly. Don’t get me wrong here; I don’t blame the devs, they’re hard at work giving us patches and new content already, but I felt the game lacked the feeling of epicness I’ve experienced with old city-builder games, like the Sierra games. Once you reach city tier, nothing but combat ever keeps you on your toes anymore.
As such, I naturally turned to mods as you normally do to slack such a thirst. Yet, even then… even with some of the amazing mods already out there, I still wasn’t satisfied. What I find I lack the most, is proper long term play (outside of combat) and a rewarding progression towards a far away end-game, that requires patience and fair planning. It’s not that I don’t think the game never will live up to my expectations, but what potential I see so far, has me very, very impatient :3
I have an ocean of ideas for improvements and I see a lot of people here have already had a lot of them, but!.. Instead of asking the devs to implement all our ideas, I’d rather turn to the modding community for this one. What I have in mind might not be what a lot (or even most) are looking for and might just be so ambitious that a lot of people could no longer run the game nearly as smoothly as they can the vanilla game. I’m not talking a little content here or a change there… I’m talking a total conversion mod (or at the very least a modpack so expansive it could just as well be considered one).
Since this will be a daunting task, I am fully aware this might just be my little modding project, but I wanted to ask the community if they were interested in this? And if the idea piqued the interest of other modders who might want to collaborate?
Any ideas or content posted for this mod will also serve as suggestions for our dear devs at Radiant, but I doubt most will make it into the main game, as some might be considered overkill for how casual the game otherwise appears to be intended to be (no offense intended towards anyone; devs or fans).
Ideas, content or fully integrated mods will belong to their respective artists/modders and must not be used without permission from the original creator(s). This also applies to me not using your content without being permitted to of course.
Now, as a side note… I will admit that I have absolutely zero experience coding (although I have done code-edits for .lua and .ini files of many games in the past, so I can at least understand a lot of it; just not write it from scratch). I don’t have any experience with voxel software either, although I’m somewhat familiar with bitmap editing and assume it’s the same, just in 3D (correct me if I’m wrong :P). Finally, what I CAN add, is many years experience in writing, written concept and thorough planning.
If any other modders out there feel cross that I’m basically ignoring their idea of the exact same thing(s), I apologize sincerely; for whatever reason, I’ve yet been unable to find anything about your attempt(s) and will gladly give them a look if you can direct me there. Even if your ideas are not quite the same, but you feel like collaborating, feel free to contact me any way you can and I will see if I can help or if your content fits the feel this modpack is to provide.
Uniformity is key for this modpack. Visual style will be as consistent as possible (likely just sticking to the vanilla style of the game). The general rules of what goes into it are going to be quite fluid until we (or I alone; if that’s the size of the ‘team’) decide on a final setting/style; I’d personally prefer a low-fantasy, which mostly just sticks to medieval (some early rennaisance for end-game) concepts, with some less realistic things, like the cleric class already in the game, fantasy races and such.
If you are still reading, I thank you and raise a glass in your honour. For those interested, here are some of my preliminary ideas for how I want to improve/change the game:
-Many additional (and altered) jobs, including a lot more specialization and need to plan out your ‘training investments’ more carefully (or be really, really patient); currently about 40 civilian ideas, plus several, fleshed out military jobs.
-Several of the jobs would be specialized resource gatherers, allowing more efficient economic fine-tuning.
-Addition of full-fledged, automated fishing and related content
-Addition of full-fledged brewing mechanics… all of them hic…
-Several new items, both class upgrades and, naturally, class talismans.
-Addition and rewriting of several ‘zones’ and their functions, allowing for a number of new automatic resource harvesting elements and avoiding your farmers doing all the gardens that your herbalist probably should have been focusing on Examples of this are: fishing areas (require water of course), herbalist’s patch, forestry zones (for wood and special ingredients) and hunter-gatherer zones (for early diverse food gathering).
-New resources, including: wickerwork materials, chemicals (for example niter for gunpowder), etc.
-Addition of a storage priority system if/however possible.
-Addition of a ‘local merchant’ mechanic; allowing your own people to sell off items of your choice. Exact mechanic functions not yet nailed down, but it could be solved through ‘crafting’ gold from a number of dummy recipes.
-Addition of a functional cart and/or mule entity, that can allow slow transportation of more goods over long distances. Includes a job intended for handling said entity.
-Increasing map area, pop cap and adding a way to attract more people faster (but with something to balance it up, like a very high lump sum cost)
-Adding player initiated event mechanics, like town festivals. These would often be quite costly, temporarily stop all productivity (maybe with exception of cooks and its variations), but would give a boost to mood and maybe lead to positive and/or negative interaction with off-map elements; whether friend or foe.
-Addition of new starting scenarios and loadouts.
-Addition of a relationship mechanic, allowing hearthlings to sleep under the same roof without penalties (maybe even being more happy for it).
-Addition of thief type enemies and potentially a stealth mechanic that makes it a necessity to stash your treasures out of reach and heavily guarded or keeping it insignificant enough that it doesn’t interest the buggers.
So… Does this interest anyone else? Have I made some impossible plans (I probably have :3)? Do you have even more juicy goodness that you’d like to see in such a modpack?
P.S.: Before anyone assumes I can pump this stuff out in a jiffy… yeah, no… sorry to disappoint. I’ve got a fair amount of free time on my hands, but the vast majority of it goes to story-writing on other things, including a recently started original pen-and-paper setting I need to advance at a reasonable pace and occasionally gamemaster for.
- I would like to see this done as a total conversion mod.
- I like some of the ideas and would like to see them as individual mods.
- I like the premise, but want it quite differently (Please input how as a reply).
- I like the idea, but think you’re overly ambitious (Such criticism is fine, I assure you).
- No, I don’t think any of this is necessary (Ouch, my pride; thanks for your vote though
- I don’t even understand what it is you’re trying to do…
0 voters