Thanks for all the answers!
So first to Tamorr,
yes it would most likely work out with the job class, but i think you schould also be able to trade at least 1 for a high price.
Okay, didnt know that, thanks for the hint! Its not that different to my idea than, only without using exploits. (Could not imagine Hearthlings carry a stone chest full of stone whil just carry max 4 normally)
Yep, you schould send 1 or 2 Guards with it, wich clearly makes that game mechanic a Day10+ thing. I think it would work like the guard flag on the Mule while the Workers just get special work orders and do not care for that guard order.
It schould get an smiliar system to the soldiers, you set a flag and the animal goes there.
Details are up to the devs for sure as i really dont know how they work out the system,
but given what they already did, i dont think that will be a Problem.
And as said, the storage items work, but its heavy unrealistic and its more a way to cheat the game if you just carry full storages from one point to another.
Also i would say if the Mule find its way into the game, it schould have some place for food and potions, so you can really make an “expedition”.
Yes, but it is really easy to implement, its just a “guard” order on an moving object.
Yes, right now thats what i also do, but if you have your village on an isle its already far away and the most resources are more in the mountain anyway. But as the game progresses i think/hope there will be also more rare and special ressources that are only findable in some places on the map. (Like a crystal on top of a mountain, or some special flowers in a swamp.) These would not found elsewhere and be really hard to get if you have no expedition mechanic of some kind.
Thank you very much for you answer and input into the idea! =)
I hope that some kind of mechanic like this will make it into the game.^^
Hello jomaxro,
thank you for welcoming me! 
Now Ridesdragons and 8BitCrab,
while it would help with stone, it surely gives Problems with other ores.
The isle thing was not for dwarves btw. The dwarves could have a shortage of flowers for potions when you build a base into a mountain. (Wich in my opinion is the only way a dwarf schould live.) Or other things that might be added later in the game. At all, it was just an example.
Monster spawning right now is another story, there schould be a way to make places safe, unless that happened you mostly are restricted to you home town anyway. (Sending out the Soldiers mean if you have bad luck your People are dead when they are back.)
What i actually planning with these suggestion is to break the “trader is the best” gameplay right now. If i want ores i also could just get a farmer to grow trees, sell them, buy ores.
But that isn´t really as fun as doing it yourself, and as mining far away from your base isnt fun because of the long ways, i came to that idea. Then again, given some “special locations/resources” and stuff in future updates it could be areally great game mechanic to have.
But thats why its a suggestion, because i think it could improve the gameplay and open up possabilites and gameplay after you have a solid base with a good defence.
And Zardimooo,
yes thats what i have in mind. Except that i was thinking it as non-heartling.
But i like the idead with the troop supporter! I guess thats where i think when you use a Mule you could upgrade it the way you need it(if you have the resources at that time for that).
The looting order is a problem, if you not make an own “working group” out of him i guess.