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So when @BrunoSupremo told us about making our buildingtemplates into QB files (In this thread: https://discourse.stonehearth.net/t/did-you-know-you-can-build-something-in-the-game-and-export-it-as-qb-no-need-to-external-model-softwares/30208?u=fornjotr) I went along and tried it out with my Tails castle!

Original building template can be found here: http://stonehearthbuilds.heliohost.org/builds/?id=378

This is what i ended up with and i imagine the carpenter, mason and workers gathering around this when planning out the construction of the “real” castle…

tails_play_castle_iconic.qb (1.3 KB)
tails_play_castle.qb (88.6 KB)