[Res] [r1665 Unstable] Crash on start with Vista

I guess I"m to late to post.
Thanks for such a quick response, sigh, as I wonder when the next build will be.
It’s great that A5 work, but with its own bugs and so little to do in it, oh well I will just get better at location finding.
I hope this game will be all you wish it to be!

btw I get a new user id everytime I’ve had to unload and reload this game, that must complicate things a little.

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Oh my… If that is from installing/uninstalling I can understand. But if it’s by closing/opening the game that would explain why the others are experiencing the tutorial each time they play in r1665. :worried:

In the meanwhile us (Vista users) can play the stable build of Humble Bundle, at least. That’s good, to be able to re-download a previous working version. =)


I’ll leave this open in case someone has still some issue. But I can confirm the game works again on Windows Vista.

Marking as resolved.



Thanks for the update!!

Game loads, but is very stuttery… this took a while to build.

I got this error when starting up. If anyone else has it as well, please make a bug report and elaborate:

I’m not lazy, just very busy atm!!


I’m so sorry I couldn’t reply in time to be of help; this freshman had a report on Influenza to write :c

At any rate, Team Radiant continues to show how boss they are, as my Lastest branch is working perfectly :smiley: Ta, guys <3


thanks for all the follow up reports folks!

nice work TR! :+1: