Music and Soundtrack

Okay guys, I have been getting more and more sick over the past couple days and now I have to go out of town for a wedding. [bleh] So I thought instead of leaving you high and dry, I’d give you a 2 minute teaser of what I hope is an enjoyful tune for you guys to listen to. This is my take on a main theme/menu music for Stonehearth.


ok, i’m heading out… but if the 1st 30 seconds are any indication… insta-download… :+1:

enjoy your wedding!

@Raj, @Voobr, @CaseyEdwards and all other composers, you are doing an amazing job. Have you thought about if you would allow fan-projects to use your music? Any position on that? I am especially thinking about streams related to Stonehearth which could use your work as background music, etc.

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If it is something that doesn’t generate revenue then I have no problem with someone using my music.

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Even when stonehearth has music ill probobly mute it and play this music. :slight_smile:

agreed… i am pretty confident the soundtrack for SH (whatever it eventually evolves into) will be stellar (given the theme they are striving for)… but there are indeed some tracks i will be playing, on the chance they dont make it into the game itself… :wink:


What do you use to compose your music?

I want to compose a few soundtracks based on the game, too.

@Raj Absolutely beautiful tunes you’ve got here. Very talented! Any Soundcloud to follow by any chance?

I know this is an EPIC fail on my part… but anyone know of an after-Kickstarter way of getting the soundtrack with the game? I believe it was the $75 tier… if they’ll have it regardless, maybe an after-market idea?

currently no… and i believe most of the KS rewards were intended to be KS exclusive… but the team also intends to have a “swag store” at some point, so who knows!

Swag stores should support soundtracks! Awesome alliteration. O.o

yes, i would hope that there would be t-shirts, soundtracks, baseball caps?, stickers?, life-size bust of me… etc.

indeed, it is interesting… :smile:

A life size bust of you? Sorry, there’s no room for two Colossi in my house.

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I’d just like to post my upcoming mod here. I’m not going to start filling the thread with my thread so this will only be posted once. People interested in the music of Stonehearth should definitely check it out.


Holy wow, In the Pantry of the Mountain King is perfect. It’s like FF Tactics, FFIX, and Grandia all at once. Love it!

Just wanted to say this is what finally convinced me to preorder this game.

well, welcome aboard @Temp! :smile:

@ephoete Thank you very much! Sorry for the late reply! I have a soundcloud link floating around here somewhere but most of my work is on YouTube YouTube :slight_smile:

Good job with making the music. I am impressed.

@EpicDwarf Thanks man, appreciated! :smile: