Ladies and Gents, I present - Locks of Many Colours:
Update 4:
Now with 2 new hats an working herbalist outfit and some new hairs and beards
Update Lost-Count-Because-Wiese-Is-Too-Awesome:
…there’s just so much, ohmigosh… I get poked, I squeak and sputter out something I was playing with while bored in class, Wiese does his magic… there’s so many hairstyles, hats, accessories… just…I never envisioned all this, it’s gotten SO big… -proud sniffle-
Bulk of the credit really goes to @Wiese2007 (including for rewriting this intro text to its awesome new description); we also have designs from @8BitCrab, and @sheepasaurusrex!
Yes, I was using the original chin_beard, and just added some voxels onto it, as a test to see if it would work.
I’ll give that a look; as long as it doesn’t take a paid program, using multiple doesn’t bother me.
Paid programs are an issue at the moment…poor college student and all currently.
But at the very least, I have some preliminary recolours done!
I haven’t used MagicaVoxel myself, but from what I understand it can’t export using multiple matrices which is needed for animations. I’m thinking that’s why the beard is showing up at the wrong place.
Because of the mousehandling i dont like troxel and voxelshop but i need them for the converting ^^
Way for changings:
First i load a wanted qb in troxel export them as vox for magica - change them there and save them also as vox and import them into voxelshop make the matrixes and the positions and export them as qb ^^
because it was updated ^^ the last version couldnt open qb ^^
ok how have you opened it? i cant find a way … or do you mean my already changed files? ^^
edit: ahhh import was added xD but the regions are false again - but you can change them later with voxelshop ^^ soooo one way down - two remaining … for now
Did you have some means you want to go about this, my dear crustacean?
I am nearly done with the male base models, I think. Currently at 7 or 8 sets of hair, with 14 or 15 colours each. Seeing most were relatively “flat” colours, was thinking of doing a version of them with highlight types. …I may have a few too many ideas for the colour play of this, heh
i could put them into and then give you a link to a googledrive download in PM if that works for you, although currently only the mohawk is in a “finished” state…