I’ll mention my Sorenia save… I actually don’t mind the small attacks. The frequency is another story. Since Sorenia is one that has survived from A14 up to A16, I was doing well as the mobs were not too much a problem and could just let my crew handle it on their own. Didn’t boot it up in A17, but did boot it up in A18.
The mob increase was terrifying. Granted I had 1 of each combat class plus engineer and an extra herbalist. Apparently that put the score up to 400 or so… Seen on one of the info screen of combat value. Wasn’t that high before, I think. Unsure. I think it was 300, but since I hadn’t checked in while, the only thing I remember is roughly 200-300 something in A16 or A15. However I guess just adding a engineer boosted it quite a bit. (Hadn’t any traps placed just yet, although could have, since I did craft a few.)
My base crew is quite well armed, short from silver. Mostly top weapons though. I had already a veranus big & 2 small sitting outside, which was fine. The kobolds and ogres tore through them, which I can see with that sort of range advantage. They didn’t manage to take down the 2nd ogre however.
2 Ogres and 4-5 kobolds. I don’t use gongs, even if I think I made one, just never placed it. That group basically had a long walk around to the only entrance, and up the sole ladder up to the plateau. Ogres first which my 4 person crew tended to. It was the archers that slaughtered everyone, but at least one ogre went down, which was the one lowest on health. that was when I just exited the game. When my soldiers got slaughtered, and they were starting to work on civilians. ><
My healer obviously could not keep up, and wasn’t full level anyway like the warriors in the group. Archer I believe was 4-5, so not the strongest bow just yet, even if I had it crafted & waiting to be equiped when the time comes.
I will probably get back to that save to see if I can micro a bit more just to ensure the survival. My mistake was not focus on the archers. ><
So maybe if I micro to focus on them, maybe they would survive. I’ll see when I am up to the task, as this did happen before in A15, but not with that amount of opposition. Was only 1 ogre and 3 archers then, and taking out the archers helps a lot. Hence my guess if I did the same.
Moral of the story, take out the archers first, even when in low odds of defeat. I don’t mind a little micro, but when I have to do it for almost every battle that comes my way… That takes me away from building a little too much; even if I pause the game to design.
The spawning might have something to do with the unreachable encampments on the other side of the mountain, so I may go back in to delete them to ensure that is not the case. The spawn didn’t happen at those camps, as there is a location the enemies seem to favor spawn in from on that particular save, when it is a large army.
But that is the troubles with loading a game that has gone through the alphas.
(I’ll get back to it and manage that first burst, hopefully.)