Hey! More updates!
That would be a sin if I didn’t at least attempt a tower on this peak. So, needless to say, I tried something stupidly difficult for the game in its current state!
This was about as far as the first design got. Stonehearth already has issues with open-center structures at this point to begin with, so add the pathfinding issues of multiple stories AND mining, and the resulting meltdown is not so unexpected.
So, new design!
Behold! The Mountains Eight Fortress!
In fairness, it’s quite a simple construction. It’s composed of two three-wall-level towers with torches and walls on the top, with a garden plaza below that’s surrounded by stone walls. The central ladder leads down into the peak, which has been hollowed out for quarters and supplies.
(Here’s a little first-person view shot of the garden plaza from the top of one of the towers!)
So, here’s the layout of the peak as of now!
As you probably notice, most of the constructions in this project so far have been stone-based due to the extremely limited supply of trees on the mountain. In order to prevent starvation throughout the settlement, I had to immediately assign a Farmer and start producing quick-growing turnips and pumpkins until we had a stable supply and could branch out to other crops. All in all, though, the colony is thriving! We’ve had zero encounters with goblins, although it’s likely we’ll start seeing some as we journey down the mountain’s sides for more lumber.
So far, so good! My next step is to start adding some warehouses and workshops for the settlement so there’s not a giant pile of stuff right outside the Mountains Eight Fortress. Judging by the improved pathfinding thanks to the addition of roads in this Alpha, this shouldn’t be too difficult. After that, if the project stills lives, I’ll be adding more defensive walls around the summit and start making a massive fort, with the current fortress as the keep.
Hope you’re enjoying the project so far–I currently am! The Mason and its recipes seem to be perfect for this project (challenge), so I’m having fun with the elements I was missing during the Lias Cathedral Project I did in Alpha 6.
And so, I’ll end this update with the obligatory nighttime shot of the project!