What will you use Yaks for?

@Gridnick… buy a Yak from someone who is not using the edit-function but creates a new post instead? NEVER! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.

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Im new but you can’t deny a yaks right

Well, I am more the cow guy… rumors say :wink:.

But somehow I am not sure that an army on “yaks” looks so impressive against some Goblins riding on wolves :smiling_imp:.

P.S. For sure you are excused, just wanted to link you to this feature with a “nice” reply.

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Just saying Imagine what looks more epic and army of yak cataphracts charging down a valley into a formalised army or an army goblins charging at a formalised army first yaks will actually win against the army while goblins won’t then yaks tearing up armoured men apart with their horns and then the m being hacked down by the riders

Ah, you are talking about the Canadian Cannibal-Yak… ok, that changes the picture completely :wink:.

No the Yaks of Gridnick trained to kill who I like

I have just seen this… after having a wonderful time with my family… And I only have a few words to say and that shall be it…1. @Gridnick, both you and I know that 2 horned animals that have basically the same body structure are AMAZING! Plus if I’m correct cattle and yaks are cousin animals mean they are from the same animal grouping (please some one correct me if I’m wrong) meaning my friend we are ALLIES in a common GOAL! We are the Family of the BOS! ( Bos - Wikipedia ) And We Shall RULE THE ENTIRE WORLD Mawhahahahahahahahaha!!! :cow: With the BOS Family Finally United NO one has a chance against us!!! and 2. @SteveAdamo thank you but I will never have enough!!! :smile:

True brother let us unite in the game when multiplayer comes out and kill steve adamo

I have just realised that my Animal Tamer will have to be called Yakob. There can be no question on the matter.

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