The Nation Guilds of Stonehearth


I believe @Paranundrox might be suggesting a bit of both perhaps?!?! LOL! :wink:

Well we can’t compare by far when it comes to GDP since we are a really small country, but when it comes to GDP per capita (nominal or PPP) we are on top with countries like quatar, monaco, liechtenstein and co :wink: .

Rank - Country - GDP (Millions of $US) - Year

– European Union 16,690,383 2012
1 United States 15,684,800 2012
2 China 8,227,103[n 4] 2012
3 Japan 5,959,718 2012
4 Germany 3,399,589 2012
5 France 2,612,878[n 6] 2012
6 United Kingdom 2,435,174 2012
7 Brazil 2,252,664 2012
8 Russia 2,014,775 2012
9 Italy 2,013,263 2012
10 India 1,841,717 2012
72 Luxembourg 57,117 2012

Rank - Country - GDP_(PPP)_per_capita - Year

1 Luxembourg 91,388 2012
— Macau 87,765 2012
2 Qatar 83,460 2012
3 Norway 65,640 2012
4 Singapore 61,803 2012
5 Switzerland 53,367 2012
6 Brunei 53,348 2012
— Hong Kong 51,946 2012
7 United States 49,965 2012
8 Kuwait 45,455 2011
9 Australia 44,598 2012
10 Austria 44,208 2012

countries GDP per person employed

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In the meantime greetings from Poland. :wink:


welcome aboard @SilentNeko! :smile:

i believe that would be Chicago circa 1920’s to 30’s
Al Capone era!! Chicago 1920’s (about half-way down) and Tommy Gun Violin Case

I believe New York is known more in popular culture for the stereotypical caricature of a guy (wise guy), who weighs about 2 and half bills, wears a full track suit, with perfectly coiffed hair and wears a gold chain that is about 3 ft long and as thick as your wrist, who goes by the nom de guerre “Joe Bats” or “Eddie Knuckles” or some other such cartoonish persona! LOL!

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 greetings from Sweden, the homeland of Carl von Linné, I guess

Yes, I do love meatballs, and smorgasboards :wink:

No, not all girls are sluts, only some.

No, I can not understand either Norweigian nor Dannish, they are awesome languages though and I wish I could speak them.

We aren’t all blonde.

And yes, it was a swede that invented the zipper, and Minecraft.

Also, @tkh, don’t make us sound bad in front of others :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@htek40 I know that Chi-town was home of the Gangster, but pinstripe suits
 I mean, what’s more New-Yorker-ish than that? At least, back in the day

@ManOfRet I bet you didn’t know that our Channel 4 actually has a 4 hour show called Monday Night Football (in this case, Football being you guys’ thing), which I watch with my dad. So I know it’s already answered, but the Seattle Seahawks play (American) football.

(American) football and football football are the only 2 sports I know anything about in America, although I know a few Colorado teams thanks to cousins and awesomely, Challenge (a TV channel) used to show professional American dodgeball league footage. It’s a shame they stopped :crying_cat_face:

So I assume that’s ESPN?

it’s literally the 4th channel. We have ESPN, but it’s some random large number and I don’t think too many watch it. I’m probably massively wrong in saying that but I have a very limited pool of information on such matters.

But no, Channel 4 shows all sorts of stuff, and they like quirky sports (American Football counts as quirky for us, we have little opportunity to see it). They apparently used to show Premier League Japanese Sumo Wrestling.

So no one knows anything about AFL? (Australian football league)

It’s not gridiron and it’s not soccer it’s a whole different game

@Rybilton Isn’t that more of a similarity to rugby?

Similar in some aspects
Rugby is just try and get to the other side to score

Footy is a bit more mobile it’s played on an oval and there are four goal posts two small ones on the outside and then two big ones in the middle. The idea is kick it between the big sticks more then the other team cause the big sticks equal 6 points. To start the game there’s a jump ball. It’s a full contact sport your just not allowed to take the other guys head off

As I like to describe it, half rugby, half quidditch :smile:


I have a question for a Japanese person
Is English like a Secondary Language in Japan? If yes, how much is it taught?

You mean muggle quidditch

ucla quidditch (you just have to love that snitch :smile: )

international quidditch association


edit: WC 2011 one casualty after 1min50, not bad for a contact sport :laughing:


I think that might have just made my day week month year life. What a race we are.

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I have never met your stereotypical “valley girl” myself, but it does seem like most of the younger southern Californians spend all their time worrying about how they dress, what songs are popular on the radio at the time, and what is “cool” at the time.

It’s not that the majority seem unintelligent, they are just shallow.

Well theres those people, and then there are the people I hang out with and know more of, who are the more intelligent end of the spectrum. But yeah, the majority tend to be “cool” people, rather than the “nerdy” you’d expect around Silicon Valley.
(side note on clothing: Fall is upon us and Winter is coming, so the Eskihoes will be emerging soon. It’s kinda sad when theres a term for something so stupid, but yeah. [eskiho: women/girls who wear short-shorts with jackets and ugg boots. If you’re cold, wear some freaking pants])


I’ve seen that here in the Upper Midwest (in the Winter!!!) Where it is routinely in the teens and 20’s, with a couple feet of snow on the ground!!

Although to be fair, it is usually some dude who is in his early to mid 20’s, and it usually isn’t UGG boots and short-shorts, just regular shorts or cargo shorts, but he’ll be wearing regular athletic shoes!! Freaking clueless!!! It’s WINTER for crissakes!!!