Dear Backers and Community of Stonehearth,
as I really fell in love with this game, I am looking forward to support both with the few things I might be able to contribute. Apart from what you cand find in this forum already, there is one more thing I can offer. As I am not a native English speaker (suprise, suprise), I want to translate some of the information available about Stonehearth into German. Believe it or not, there are some people in Germany, who do not speak fluently English (unbelievable, isn’t it ^^), or simply do prefer to read text in their native language. I can imagine that they will appreciate to get translated updates / information and maybe this will attract even a few additional players / modders to Stonehearth.
If you know someone, who is attracted by the game, but prefers German to English… feel free to share the link. You can find the blog on this site:
The pure goal of this page is to share translated information and one or the other introduction into modding (Qubicle, Lua, etc.), which I also post in this forum. There is no plan for advertisement, no plan to create a separate community and no plan to create some kind of a hub for future mods.
As this is reaching out to the German part of our community, excuse and allow me to also post the text above in German.
Hallo UnterstĂĽtzer und Stonehearth-Community,
wie vielen von euch, ist mir Stonehearth bereits ans Herz gewachsen. Ich freue mich bereits darauf ein Teil der Community zu werden und das Spiel hier und da zu unterstĂĽtzen. Etwas, das ich anbieten kann, ist eine Ăśbersetzung von Informationen und Neuigkeiten zum Spiel ins Deutsche.
FĂĽr diesen Zweck habe ich einen Fan-Blog erstellt welches sich auf folgender Seite findet:
Die Idee der Seite ist ein austausch von Informationen zu Stonehearth in deutscher Sprache. Es soll keine Community-Seite werden, keine Plattform fĂĽr Modifikationen bieten und micht nicht durch Werbung reich machen ;-).