German Stonehearth-Community (

Dear Backers and Community of Stonehearth,

as I really fell in love with this game, I am looking forward to support both with the few things I might be able to contribute. Apart from what you cand find in this forum already, there is one more thing I can offer. As I am not a native English speaker (suprise, suprise), I want to translate some of the information available about Stonehearth into German. Believe it or not, there are some people in Germany, who do not speak fluently English (unbelievable, isn’t it ^^), or simply do prefer to read text in their native language. I can imagine that they will appreciate to get translated updates / information and maybe this will attract even a few additional players / modders to Stonehearth.

If you know someone, who is attracted by the game, but prefers German to English… feel free to share the link. You can find the blog on this site:

The pure goal of this page is to share translated information and one or the other introduction into modding (Qubicle, Lua, etc.), which I also post in this forum. There is no plan for advertisement, no plan to create a separate community and no plan to create some kind of a hub for future mods.

As this is reaching out to the German part of our community, excuse and allow me to also post the text above in German.

Hallo UnterstĂĽtzer und Stonehearth-Community,

wie vielen von euch, ist mir Stonehearth bereits ans Herz gewachsen. Ich freue mich bereits darauf ein Teil der Community zu werden und das Spiel hier und da zu unterstĂĽtzen. Etwas, das ich anbieten kann, ist eine Ăśbersetzung von Informationen und Neuigkeiten zum Spiel ins Deutsche.

FĂĽr diesen Zweck habe ich einen Fan-Blog erstellt welches sich auf folgender Seite findet:

Die Idee der Seite ist ein austausch von Informationen zu Stonehearth in deutscher Sprache. Es soll keine Community-Seite werden, keine Plattform fĂĽr Modifikationen bieten und micht nicht durch Werbung reich machen ;-).

Nice ^^ I have post it on Facebook.

Deutsch: Und ab auf Facebook xD

PS zur Werbung: Soll nicht aber darf xD

Ich mag die Idee. Wobei es trotzdem wichtig ist möglichst eng mit diesem Forum zusammen zu arbeiten.

I like this idea. Although it is important to work together with .

PS: Die Seite sieht gut aus und scheint verständlich zu sein. Weiter so!

@Spododo That’s what I have in my mind also and why it is a Blog and not a Community-Page. It should be a simple “translation-project”, if you like so.

@voxel_pirate well done! you sir earn 5 internet points… use them wisely, as @Geoffers747 has completely squandered his…

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Nice! I’ll add this site and others to the sidebar on when I get it done! :smiley:

geoffers has to any time a positive internet points cache??? :wink2:

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Voll fett @voxel_pirate!
Offenbar sparen Schwaben gerne mal beim Geld aber nicht bei der Zeit :wink:
Im Ernst, dein Einsatz ist beeindruckend. Weiter so.
Wenn du zum Thema Qubicle Hilfe brauchst, sag bescheid.

Yes, I am german, too!
Greetings from Hannover/Germany

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@Tim Thanks a lot Tim! And thanks especially for the great Qubicle! We are all waiting for QC2 (well, at least I am).

Tomorrow my small blog related to Stonehearth will have it’s first “jubilee” and will exist for 1 month :laughing:. In preparation for the ceremony, the Gallery will be increased to include more than 100 pictures (concept arts, screenshots, wallpapers).

I hope this is worth a bump :wink:.

But I am sure that there are some new German speaking community members who might not yet be aware of the site. So if you prefer to read some news in German, feel free to pass by every now and then.

-------------------------------------------------------------- Deutsch --------------------------------------------------------------

Morgen wird mein Blog zu Stonehearth das erste Jubiläum feiern und einen Monat bestehen :laughing:. Um das entsprechend zu feiern, wird die Galerie auf über 100 Bilder (Konzeptzgrafiken, Screenshots, Wallpaper) erweitert.

Ich hoffe, dass das einen kleine Aktualisierung wert its :wink:.

Sicherlich sind aber in der Zwischenzeit einige neue, deutschsprachige Fans der Community beigetreten. Wer also auch mal gern eine Neuigkeit zu Stonehearth auf Deutsch liest, ist herzlich eingeladen gelegentlich vorbei zu schauen.


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it most certainly is… excellent work on the site, and congratulations on your first month! :smiley:

Allow me a monthly bump for our German fellows…

Vielleicht haben wir ein paar neue Mitglieder in diesem Forum, die sich ĂĽber Ăśbersetzungen der einen oder anderen News freuen. Diesen Zweck soll erfĂĽllen. Danke fĂĽr das Vorbeischauen :wink:.

congratulations on another month… :smile:

just visited again, and i really like how you have things setup… well done! :+1:

@voxel_pirate I thought the devs said they were looking for people to help them for translating the actual game into different languages…I’m not volunteering you or anything but you do obviously just want to be helpful and if you wanted to do anything more than the great work you’re already doing, I’m sure you can get in touch with them :smile:

Again, not pushing you into anything, simply letting you know that you can use your German in another helpful way should you so wish :smiley:

@Smokestacks Actually the devs are not pro-active looking for people who help them translating… at least not yet. The idea with the translation is that the devs will offer the possibility for an (easy) translation and let the community do it. If they want to facilitate this later on, we will have to see. But for sure I will help out with the German translation.

@voxel_pirate stands ready… :wink:

here’s a good post from @sdee that relates how simple it might be for the community to get involved…

Ohh, well in that case I had misunderstood. Oops :blush:

However whilst I’m here, I must say I actually thought you were a UK/USA resident, your English is practically flawless! :smile:

Thanks, that’s very flattering. Actually @Geoffers747 is editing all my posts and removes major spellling errors. So if you find any of them remaining… you know whom to blame. :stuck_out_tongue:


Ahhh right, well if it’s a chance to blame @Geoffers747 for something then I will be casting a critical eye over all of your future posts :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Time is passing so fast… here my bump for September :wink:.

In the meanwhile a German Steam-Group for Stonehearth is available. If you speak this lovely language and if you have a steam account… feel free to join.

I have also uploaded the first two videos introducing Qubicle Constructor in German:

All of this and one or the other additional news you can find in the blog :smile:.