Hey all! Want to translate the game (Spanish)

Things to consider when you make software for a variety of countries: Internationalization and localization - Wikipedia

It’s fairly easy (from a technical standpoint) to distribute the text files with English in them, and have people translate these to other languages. It becomes a little more challenging when you want to write functions that automatically reformat dates/currency/word direction based on the target language. Totally doable! But often tedious.

One benefit of working on a game is that dates and currency (the things you absolutely want to get right if you’re writing, say, a banking app) are probably a lot less important. I’m wondering how much so.

Not that text is without its considerations! I once worked on a piece of software where we had to allow an extra 33% margin everywhere we used words because German tends to be longer than English. Also, finding culturally neutral icons was an extra challenge.

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