Qubicle Constructor (Voxel-Editor) - Information, Links, Threads and Questions

Let’s try to gather relevant information about Qubicle, to provide a starting point for new “modders”.

Qubicle what?

Qubicle is actually called “Qubicle Constructor” and is a Voxel-Editor written by Minddesk. The brain behind this company is called @Tim and every now and then he shows up in this forum here.

Qubicle is used by the devs of Stonehearth to create all the nice Voxel-Models, like settlers, animals, houses, environment and even the whole landscape.

How much?

There is a basic version of Qubicle available, which you can use to evaluate the tool. This version comes without costs… it is free. However, it has some limitations in available features and capabilities to export files. So if you consider to export your models into Stonehearth or an animation software like 3ds Max, Blender or Maya…

  1. … either you purchase the Stonehearth-Edition (allows export of .qb-files for Stonehearth)
  2. … the Home- or Master-Edition (master allows for commercial usage and both allow export of .obj-files)

Radiant Entertainment and Minddesk have worked out a deal and there is now an official Stonehearth-Edition available. As Tim mentions further down in this thread, it is still QC1 and the costs are $11. Once QC2 is ready, a free update should be included. This version of QC will allow to export into the .qb-format which is used in Stonehearth. However, other formats like .obj will be not included.

Once QC2 is out the “play” editions should also include an export option into .obj-format as explained in another thread:

“Qubicle 2 Play editions will feature a very basic 1-click OBJ exporter.”

Personally I think this offer will be great and as Qubicle is a nice tool… if you have some money left and you would like the full features included in the Home- or Master-Edition… give it a try :wink:.

Information! Where?

Official Sources:


A thread with some tips and tricks…

A thread which shows the whole process of starting with a picture, creating a model in Qubicle and finally an animation in Blender…

A repository of models created with Qubicle and provided by the Stonehearth-Community (not official, please read the disclaimer!)…

If you are not able to export models into an animation tool (to resize them), you can try to adjust their size within Qubicle (performance might suffer)…

Video Introductions / Tutorials:

Two videos taken from this thread and also available in German:

Another one from this thread:


If you do not ask, nobody will answer. Feel free to raise any questions following this post :wink:.

Please also raise your voice if you have e.g. another link which deserves to be added…


this seems like a worthwhile news blurb to highlight… :smiley:

Qubicle 2 - The New User Interface

I hope you had a great week just like I did. I am currently working on the new ui (user interface) of QC2 and I simply love it. It’s my personal cream puff of software development. I am in happy mode.

and even more interesting:

But what that allows me to do is to offer customized QC2 special editions that have the look and feel of the product that it’s made for.

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Yes, I am looking forward to the skinning-feature and also with the comments so far in the blog QC2 seems to be heading towards the right direction.

well, i took that to mean “we can have specialized versions of Qubicle to be sold under different SKU”… i.e. Qubicle Stonehearth Edition:smile:

You took it the right way. Tim confirmed that he is able (and willing) to offer adjusted versions of QC2 for games which would like to use it. Skinning is only a small part of that. As far as I have understood this can include also special features or adjusted functionality.

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so, what you’re saying is, im good looking AND smart… gotcha…


Soo any news about QC2 - Stonehearth Edition ?
I want to do some animation of my QC stuff :slight_smile: And the free version cant export ".obj"
Is it possible for me to buy “Home edition” and get a free upgrade when the new version arrives?

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@Rickeyhb unfortunately no news and I would not be suprised if we do not get any prior December. Tim is still working on QC2 and just moved into a new flat and the devs are busy with polishing the initial release.

If you buy QC1 you can expect an upgrade-option, but I don’t think it will be for free.

If I were to buy the Home version of Qubicle Constructor now, and later when 2.0 comes out with the special Stonehearth edition, would I be able to get a free upgrade to that version? I want to get it now, but I don’t want to waste my money if I have to buy it again when 2.0 comes out.


[Edit] Nevermind, I didn’t see the “All upgrades up to next major release” feature on the page.

[Edit] I was wondering, will I be able to use the home edition/non-commercial edition of Qubicle Constructor for mods, as long as I don’t sell them or make money off of them?

… however, Tim mentioned that we can expect to have an option to upgrade QC1 to QC2. Also keep in mind that there might be a Stonehearth-Edition announced at a later point in time… although we do not know any details.

Is it just for me that the above two posts are out of chronological order for?

They where merged into this topic as they fit nicely :wink:.

Ah, I thought so, I was sure I had seen Nicedude’s topic as an individual thread, it’s just odd that they’re out of order :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry, did I break the internet again?

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Btw. as an interesting side note… in the meanwhile Qubicle Constructor is used by games like Spark Rising and even Trion’s just announced Trove.

wow, Trove as well? more high profile games using your products is certainly good for business…

congratulations @Tim! :smile:

Thank you @SteveAdamo. Loads of games made with Qubicle are coming out these days. I am living the dream :smile: Latest entry: Continue?9876543210

More at http://www.continue9876543210.com/ including a very good trailer. Check it out!

In other news: I will announce release dates and prices next week.
QC2 is still in alpha but a closed beta is not far away.
You will have to use QC1 a little longer. But don’t bother: you won’t have to pay $40.


Thanks for the update Tim… so next week we will get a small x-mas present from you (release dates / prices) :wink:. Looking forward to it!

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thanks @Tim!

and there was much happiness and joy in the modding world

guys, sorry for the delay. I still need some feedback from the boys but they are very very busy getting the alpha out for you.
I guess we will have to wait a little bit longer.
will keep you posted