The Nation Guilds of Stonehearth


Our conservatives are called the liberals.

Barbecued shrimp is a myth and no one actually eats it.

Drop bears are real. They’re actually just drunk koalas.

Wombats primary defence method is to hide behind their armoured butt.

We can be a bit over dramatic. A soldier dies in a war? Front page of most newspapers. Drug scandal in football? News for years.

A few facts for you, bonus points if you can tell which two are false without google. (It might be tricky)

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Umm, which facts? The ones mentioned above or…?

I am Dash

I am from Southern California.

No, I am not from LA, that place is a cesspool.

No, I don’t surf, although everyone else does. I would if I knew how to swim

No, I don’t skateboard either. Although most everyone does. Wow I’m boring. I hike instead.

Yes, I love Mexican food. Seriously it’s the best.

No, I don’t speak Spanish. Muy poco.

Yes, San Diego weather is perfect all the time.

Yes, it’s true that (with very few exceptions) the general populace really doesn’t care whats going on in the rest of the world.

@AuraFort - What foods and drinks are popular in the Philippines?

@tkh - That’s awesome, but I thought SAAB went under? :’(

Edit: And yes, Like, Yo, Bro, and Dude, are all staples of our speech. Seriously dude, that’s what’s up.

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Seeing as we seemed to have turned into some sort of self-help group:

England here and seeing as @Smokestacks is blaspheming everything it is to be British

Rest assured the heretic will burn. Queuing is a part of our blood @Smokestacks - along with passive aggressiveness and a complete lack of patriotism.

As for me:

Yes I drink copious amounts of tea - it’s the best.

Yes I eat crumpets.

Yes the weather here changes multiple times a day.

You can try to do the accent, but to us, you sound Australian rather than British.

Well, I don’t know how to ride a bike, the push variety, not the motor one. So if we’re ever caught in a survival situation, I’ll swim for help, you bike for it, deal?


Funnily enough from that description, You make make it sound as if my British quarter is Stronger than my Irish half…

I know I’m going off topic, but it’s only to answer a very important question :wink:

@Dash - SAAB started going under around 1949. It has almost never been profitable… GM bought it and failed. Then Spyker Cars bought it and failed even harder. The company went completely bankrupt and NEVS bought the leftovers. It is a company who aims to do electric cars, but they own the brand are allowed to use it. Maybe in many years from now I have an electric SAAB :wink: But regardless of bankruptcy, my 9-5 Vector Sport Combi still works!

And semi on topic:
The only thing people do in Sweden is having “fika”. They do this while complaining on Facebook about how tired they are. This is sadly very true… :frowning:


sorry for the OT…

but this will be held against you… i havent worked out how just yet, but it will be…


Welcome @SirCamOfRon!
Let the the love of the Stonehearth community come.

And on a different note I see that lots of Australian posts talk about the wild life…
Is it true that everything there tries to kill you?
A couple of days ago I watched a documentary about cassowaries and right when I thought they were peaceful I heard “Cassowaries are known to attack people and domestic animals”.

Not quite. We have a lot of dangerous stuff and yes a lot of our native wildlife is poisonous or deadly in some way. Take platypi, they have a venom that capable of paralysing someone purely through intense pain, not lethal though and recovery time is normally only a few weeks before the hypersensitivity to pain goes away but it can last months. We have some of the deadliest spiders, snakes, jellyfish, and predators in the world (funnel webs, inland taipan, box, and saltwater croc). However there is a less commonly mentioned one that is just about the most annoying horrible thing, magpies. While in urban areas their behaviour tends to be much more placid due to varying influences in rural areas is where they really hit you. They’re a fairly average bird in most ways except during their breeding season where they have a tendency to become one of the most aggressive, vicious things you’ll ever see, they’ll attack people 100m away by “swooping” (more like aerial dive bombing knife cannons) them. Common tactics to deter them from attacking include wearing hats with fake eyes on the back (they prefer to attack from behind) or attaching spikes to your helmet for cyclists. That’s right attaching spikes to bike helmets is a fairly common safety practice here.

Really though we’re not that bad, most of them won’t matter in urban areas and everywhere has dangerous spiders or the like. Heck one of our deadliest animals is the European honey bee, although that’s due to a high portion (1-2%) of the population having allergies to them,


A link about Australian Fauna… it will be 1 minute and 11 seconds of your life well spent :smile:

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Great, now I know that at times of the year Australia turns into a Hitchcock movie.
Well at least you don’t have Japanese giant hornets or your country might of been nuked in order to be sure that the “corruption” doesn’t spread.

Hi, I’m from the US state of Michigan…
No, I am not from Detroit, that place is a cesspool.
I love snow!
Yea we are all pretty poor.
Yes, the closest grocery store is an hour drive away.
Yes, if the temperature goes over 70 I am uncomfortable.
Yes, everyone keeps a rifle in the trunk of their vehicle/ behind the seats of their truck.
At any time in my life I have never lived more than 15 minutes from a lake, and I’m not sure that you even have a choice. .
No seriously look it up there are a crapton of lakes.

EDIT: I love that we have virtually no dangerous wildlife. It’s limited to bears and cougars (the wild kind, not the bar kind (although there are a lot of those too!))


Hey there!
I am enjoying this thread, lots of clever posts and responses. So I thought I might add one of my own!
I am from the Land of 10,000 Lakes (actually more like 11,000 some), but 10,000 rolls off the tongue more easily! +1 to anyone outside the U.S. who knows where that is without Googling it! (and that will be -3 to any Americans on here who have to use Google to look it up! I trust you will be honest and fess up if you actually do have to Google it!)
We have lots of Scandihoovians here! Mostly Norskies, Swedes and Finns (although I’m not sure if Finland is actually considered a Scandinavian country!) We also have lots of descendants of Deutschland! And plenty of places that celebrate Octoberfest Yum! Yum!
No most of us don’t eat Lutefisk! "shudders"
Yes we do like pickled herring though, and Swedish meatballs!
And although some may disagree, we don’t talk like Canadians and we’re not a secret Canadian province!

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Luxembourg Wildlife

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lovely… :fearful:

i’ve seen not 1, but 2 of these in my backyard… red velvet ant, aka “cow killer”… :+1:

welcome aboard @htek40! :smile:

Thank you!

Seems like a fairly docile insect, although it also seems like it might be devastating to local honeybee populations!

@htek40 Welcome aboard! I don’t believe I’ve seen you around before… although, if you HAVE been around, please correct me, because that would be embarrassing… er… anyway…

Here’s a hint for all of the Euros/Asios/Aussies out there- He lives in the old home of the Lakers NBA team… in case the name weren’t obvious enough… :stuck_out_tongue:

Bravo…and you get to avoid the -3… always a good thing!!

Anyway, thank you for the welcome and I haven’t been on the boards here before, but I have spent a little time reading some of the threads; and I am looking forward to the game once it is ready (beta and final).

@htek40 correction its the Deutschland. Also the Finns are a Scandinavian people Anyways Hello! that’s all folks :smile:

I’m from Norway, Oslo originally, but I moved half across the country and now live in Trondheim. As far as I know, this forum isn’t exactly filled with my kin.

@htek40 We do, disgusting enough, eat lutefisk

Our landscape is pretty awesome.

No, I don’t (always) wear a horned helmet.

Yes, this place is freezing cold during any season but summer. Though by your standards, summer here is most likely freezing cold.

Yes, we are stinking rich. We just fill up those mountains with oil and wait for an opportunity to spend the revenues.

Yes, we do have the prettiest women in the world. Much like swedish women, just not as slutty.

We do actually have polar bears (See: Svalbard). But no, I’ve never wrestled one.

Looking forward to Stonehearth like the rest of you. Countdown on the days up till beta.