you know how to pull me into a conversation, don’t you!
we’ve had a fair number of related threads, all skirting around the idea of religion and the associated pros and cons that come with its inclusion:
According to the recent Banhammer podcast interview gods will be present in game but their function hasnt been decided yet. What do you all think they should be able to do?
I personally hope there is a system where we try and gather favor with certain deities in order to gain certain perks. For instance, being favored by a god of fertility makes our farms produce more. Falling our of favor with a different god might make winter last longer, or they might even send a titan after you.
Faiths. Why? Because 1. it would be interesting and 2. it doesn’t need another reason. This is mostly for if settlers have “happiness” and do things in their free time. If they don’t, there isn’t much point.
Creating a Faith - To found a faith, you first need a prophet. There are multiple ways to get a prophet. Sometimes, a wise person will wander into your settlement. There are many things you can do to him. You could rob him, or force him away, or accept him. If you accept him to your settlem…
hi my name moondrixx and although i have been around the forums a little, i have not introduced my self to the community properly. im a friendly person who likes to help where he can, a streamer and moderator of many minecraft channels on twitch, a FTB helper to the FTB wiki team for small mods that need to be updated, I can use photoshop and blender with some competency and finally a titan name contributor to this game.
please dont take this as me trying to show off i’m simply listing areas i …
we’ve also had a good number of discussions on class suggestions:
i have made this post so people can suggest and talk about classes they would like in game and so admins and maybe devs could look at them and get ideas from them.
here’s my idea
Class name: Marksmen
Weapon: Longbow,Heavy crossbows or Muskets (if the devs add them)
Description: the Marksmen is highly skilled in using ranged weapons.
they can take out most enemies at great range with one well judged shot.
Since I can only guess at what class types will be in the game, I was hoping everyone on here would pitch in class type ideas for the villagers in the game
I will start with a short list so please continue to add on to this or come up with sub classes for these existing categories.
-Fighter Class: (Barbarian, knight, Paladin)
-Magician Class: (Dark magic, light magic, Druid)
-Rogue Class: (Theif, Ninja, assassin)
-Preist Class:
-Healer Class:
-Herbalist Class:
-Fisherman Class:
-Hunter …
Hello all. I was hoping to present an idea I had for two new classes in the tech tree; the Bard and the Scholar.
The idea behind the class is that by having a bard or a scholar in your town, you can have them create songs or books and give them to the citizens of your town to gain small buffs to various attributes.
The bard would the the tier one version of the information classes. He would compose songs and play them around town to give small buffs to the citizens of your town. This cou…
as for the monk suggestion specifically… i too really like the idea of the class (and its association with a constructed building first, although this obviously differs from the existing mechanic)… i think the unit, his benefits to the settlement, and the items that can be crafted to support it, all fit well with the existing SH framework…
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