Faiths - (Belief Systems, Ideologies, Religions, whatever)

Faiths. Why? Because 1. it would be interesting and 2. it doesn’t need another reason. This is mostly for if settlers have “happiness” and do things in their free time. If they don’t, there isn’t much point.

Creating a Faith - To found a faith, you first need a prophet. There are multiple ways to get a prophet. Sometimes, a wise person will wander into your settlement. There are many things you can do to him. You could rob him, or force him away, or accept him. If you accept him to your settlement, he will become yours.

After that, you can select him and select “Found Faith”. This will let you create a faith. You select the desired beliefs. There are multiple categories of beliefs. You can only choose a certain number of beliefs, and no more than one from a single category. Some beliefs also contradict other beliefs from different categories. Now, faiths don’t have to be religious or theistic, and some beliefs are completely secular or agnostic. I think it is important to point out that these faiths and beliefs will not provide overpowered benefits. Beliefs that affect something other than the faith itself always have one or more cons, and beliefs that don’t have negative effects generally only affect the faith itself.

Spreading the Faith - Settlers aren’t just going to start following this faith for no reason. You must first convince them by using “missionaries”. Spreading too aggressively will cause unhappiness for those who are not part of the faith, but not spreading at all will cause the faith to flounder. Certain beliefs will increase the spread of the faith, but almost always have a downside. Some increase hostility between faiths, which can lead to them cooperating poorly as a group, while others increase unhappiness of those that are not convinced.

Worship - Settlers slowly lose faithfulness over time. This isn’t good, because the benefits of the beliefs in the faith are dependent on the faithfulness of it’s believers. They regain this faithfulness by worship (or contemplation, or meditation, whatever floats your boat). They do this in multiple ways. For example, they can worship at home, they can do what the faith tells them to do (missionary work, helping those in need, progressing towards a greater goal, or other things depending on the exact beliefs adopted by the faith), or they can worship in a place of worship. Worshipping in a temple/church/mosque/synagogue (or the noodle plate of worship if you are into pastafarianism) is more efficient than worshipping at home, and reduces the chance of the faith splintering, but it obviously quite intensive.

Sects - Occasionally, a sect can form from a larger faith. Sects are almost identical to the original faith, but have a few differences in their beliefs. They are technically still a part of that faith, but that can change. If a sect grows too distant from the original faith, it will form its own faith. Certain beliefs can reduce the chance of a sect forming, but also increase hostility and distance between the original faith and the sect. Other beliefs increase the chance of a sect forming, but greatly reduce the chance of the sect forming its own faith.

Places of Worship - The largest place of worship (that is, the one preferred by most settlers) in a faith will never form a sect. However, the smaller a place of worship is, the more likely most of its members will form a sect. This creates a dilemma. On one hand, you could have a central place of worship which would keep sects from forming, but would also decrease the amount of settlers that have the time or ability to worship in a place of worship, which decreases faithfulness. On the other, you could have many places of worship, which has a large chance of forming a sect, but allows for more people to be faithful.

Personality types - There are five personality types that affect faith. Zealous, Secular, Rational, Materialistic and Benevolent. Zealous settlers prefer beliefs that reward zealotry and devoutness. Secular settlers prefer beliefs that do not infringe on the rights of others to worship as they choose. Benevolent settlers prefer beliefs that are benevolent, rather than those that are malevolent. Rational settlers prefer beliefs that endorse science, and dislike those that are outlandish or unrealistic. Materialistic settlers prefer beliefs that center around physical things rather than spiritual things. Zealous and secular are fairly much polar opposites, but the other personality types get along a little better with each other. These personality types also affect other things. Materialistic settlers make for great craftsmen, rationalistic settlers make for great scientists and engineers, zealous settlers make for great missionaries, priests and warriors, and benevolent or secular settlers do well when it comes to dealing with people.

Conflict - Conflict between different faiths and sects is inevitable. When it happens, both parties become unhappy, and settlers from different faiths and sects work poorly with each other. For example, if three settlers are cutting down trees and they are all in different faiths which detest the others, trees won’t be cut as fast as they could be cut. One option is to make sure everyone is of the same faith, which causes complications, the other is to improve relations between the faiths, which also causes complications.

Official Faith - Choosing an official faith for your settlement increases the rate at which it spreads in your settlement, but also makes secular settlers (even those of said faith), and those of other faiths unhappy, and increases conflict between them. This isn’t just in your settlement, either. Choosing an official faith will make other entities that disagree with your choice very upset with you. For example, a certain pagan society of orcs/trolls/creationists/ogres will think that you are all heretics, and proceed to try to raze your settlement.


I will be the first to say that a Father Comstock figure will be modded into the game if faiths are included.

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massive wall post of awesomeness… meet, your long lost cousin? :smiley:

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I would prefer to stay away from actual gods. Instead, I focused on the more, social and mental aspects of it. Gods actually affecting the world or appearing is overrated. I think it would be something special if this game had a faith system that didn’t actually have anything to do with divinity.

I seriously like this idea and you’ve done an awful lot of the brainstorming yourself. Personality types does seem like a fair bit of work so although I’d love to see it implemented, I’m doubtful and I’d certainly be expecting it post-release, if at all. That said it would fantastic if you could mod it in and if you ever did, please please please link it to this post so I could download it or tell me where to download it or whatever the system ends up being. :smiley:

This reminds me of the faith system in Civilization V: Gods & Kings. It is a bit more in depth though. I like the idea, I hope it is added to the game or modded in.

We meet again. This seems very thought out and I actually really like the idea of it. :thumbsup:

Sounds cool, I’m looking forward to a game that includes religion / beliefs in a fun way. I found the Extra Credits series on this to be very insightful in what I look for:

Adding a sense of ‘meaning’ to our voxel village is something that would add a lot to the game. It doesn’t have to boil down to conversion and conflict.

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I really like this idea. I hope it gets enough support to get the attention it deserves.

I like this idea. But maybe it could be made into a more generic “culture” feature where religion could play a role but doesn’t neccesarily?

I’ve not played Civ5 Gods and Kings like @theEPiK1 mentions, but I’ve played prior civ games and I really enjoyed the “Culture” mechanic they had.

The Culture mechanic was something that emenated out from your cities - the more cultural buildings you built and the more money you invested into culture expanded your empire’s radius.

You could actually take over cities of other factions by expanding your culture to a point that it enveloped their town, and the rival city would revolt and switch to your empire.

Religion was a part of this - founding a religion could accelerate your culture growth etc, but it wasn’t a neccasary thing. It worked with or without the religion aspect, as the generic idea of culture encompasses so much more than just religion!

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I moved 8 posts to a new topic: Voxels discussion - to voxel, or not to voxel!

Don’t forget sacred animals, like the cow in Hinduism. Maybe one possibility from what we’ve seen so far is the rabbit, which would consequently improve your relation automatically with any lagomorph peoples you encounter?

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I would establish elemental magic and a goddess for each element

eg. If you were a fire user, you could pray to Ignis, the goddess of fire, for power.

Magic and faith should be mechanically separate. If you want to create a cult of mages that happens to follow a certain faith, that’s fine, but I don’t think it would be a good idea to link them with game mechanics.

Interesting opinion. What’s your thought’s on priests/clerics then? Because magic drawn from religious sources is quite common in fantasy, even in fantasy without things things like clerics or the proven existence of gods.

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Some magic users worship the source of their magic, that’s a common trope in fantasy settings, yes. But it’s not necessary. Though there could be some beliefs that improve the experience for magic-based groups. For example, a certain belief could be the belief that magic is a gift from the Gods, which would allow you to increase faithfulness through the use of magic. Another belief might be the belief that magic is evil, which does the opposite.

Example: Faith A has the belief “Divine Magicks”. “Divine Magicks” lets your magic users become missionaries (allowing them to both use magic AND spread your faith), and the faithfulness of all magic users increases when they use magic for divine purposes (healing the faithful, smiting the wicked, crusading against the heretics, etcetera).

Example: Faith B has the belief “Heathen Magic” causes believers to hate magic. Magic users lose almost all faithfulness, and devout followers can’t become magic users. The only real benefit this provides is that you can increase faithfulness by hunting down witches, but it could be fun from a roleplaying standpoint.

Another common version of the trope is to have them require worship for their power, that’s pretty much exactly what clerics/priests do a lot of the time. They pray to literally draw on the power of the gods. At the same time you have the also quite common things where religion has power even when there is no active magic, the notable example is vampires but religious symbols having meaning even when the religion is otherwise identical to real religions in every single way.

A belief system is interesting as well but in my opinion it doesn’t tell stories as well unless the religion has a god/s, it can be an active god - things like discworld where they are real and have clear tangible effects on people, a passive god - proveably real but has very little to no effect on the world, to unknown gods which emulate the majority outside of fantasy where it requires faith to see it as proof and scientifically sound evidence of their existence hasn’t been found.

Beliefs are aspects of a religion but it all revolves around a core, divine magicks, or heathen magic are just traits of it, they should be formed by how you play preferably to just naturally accentuate it. A heavy farming focus could allow you to adopt some yearly harvest ritual that boosts production from your farms, whether that’s from harder working farmers, divine intervention or a combination of the two is up to whoever designs it but the end result is the same, the religion should be representative of your colony.

That’s why I suggested the idea of divergence from a base somewhere, when setting out you can choose a basic religion based off your race and/or faction and then change it as you go and your settlement evolves. That’s something I want to see, it allows for both player control and personalization and at the same time allows an interesting lore and story behind it due to the standard bases. Whether the gods are real or not is irrelevant to all of my suggestions as they’re about the beliefs and the effects but while tangible, provable gods can have some really interesting effects intangible gods can deliver a different feel. It all depends on what you’re going for.

Eldritch Cults. Raise Rlyeh and set Cthulhu’s influence upon the world.



Stay tuned for the Book of Elements, Act 1: Creation…if I ever make it…n.n

oooh, fan fiction! :heart_eyes_cat:

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