My suggestion this game and request

Hello, I know that the game is still in alpha, but this game has everything to be good, it is one of the few in this category of game and how I loved this game I felt I should ask some things that could add it.

New armor: has little armor and makes the people has little choice, but have unusable ore, could put more …

New plantations: plantations only have 4 choices of food and he has very little choice wanted to ask for more …

New classes: has some classes (I know you will put more), but I would ask that perhaps some will not put, as a priest or prophet to the church would be really cool.

New mechanical: it would be nice if it had mills to decorate the city and also carts to carry things faster.

New objects: new objects for decoration of houses.

and the last just not very necessary, it is to customize the characters, such as the hair and the beard and the body color.

Those who have read this far I ask and thank you comment on what you think.

Hi how about implementing smaller blocks for creating finer detail into builds is this currently in development?

sorry I’m not in development team, I’m a player just asking some “things” more in the game.

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Hello friends =^.^=

I say friends because I will answer both of your questions/suggestions. Everything you have suggested is coming, but not soon.

We will have more armor choices, but I’m pretty sure they need to fix the bug on the old ones first.

More crops will come, you might even have trade or buy them from people.

That sounds like a cool class suggestion, I think their is a topic already about that so look around.

We are going to get an engineering class so hopefully he will come with gaers and such for those builds you mentioned.

We will get new objects and furniture, they add a little over time, but they have been focused in bigger thing at the moment.

Many have asked for this as well. Check out the other threads, I know theres a topic on that.

As for breathren’s question. They have the slab tool so you can block by block make something. Down the road you will be able to delete and color walls and add on to them any way you want.

Hope this helped! If you have any more questions always remember to look at the other topics, many might have the same questions as you :slight_smile:


well @Drotten’s “hearthlings of many faces” mod allows you to do this,

[quote=“Hogwartscat, post:4, topic:14462”]
As for breathren’s question. They have the slab tool so you can block by block make something. Down the road you will be able to delete and color walls and add on to them any way you want.
[/quote]im pretty sure that @Breathren actually meant will we be able to get smaller sizes of blocks, so something smaller then the standard, 10x10 voxel, block. could be wrong though.


thx man, i liked mod.

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Idd i meant smaller blocks then the ones already in game

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