Sungai Tribe Mod (Full Tribal Conversion)

Well you can still make mud bricks in a jungle… Mud + Banboo makes one freaking sturdy building.

It’s back to looking like wood again hurray! With three different variations on the curved bone roof one plain skin, one painted skin, and a bamboo/reed half-roof as it only has one side of curved bone and it’s shorter.


That’s a lot of bones and animal skin, a very large lot, like several obese elephants large. I’d suggest going predominately plant products for buildings just because getting enough resources for them out of animal products would be very, very long for anything larger then a small tent. There is a simple test as well to see whether your design works, scale it up to the right amount and put a settler next to it to see what it would actually look like, I don’t think the wall patterns would look quite as good at a larger scale and I think the door isn’t quite right for some reason.

I was just hoping there was some voodoo magic in the engine that would let me define some parameters for textured tree rings I’ve got a system for making them in most sizes; I figured it would scale bad in Qubicle but it turned out looking pretty good still.

I’m actually super happy with it even at that size but you’re very right about the door even scaled up it was too small for him at first; I think I’m going to make those like I make other intractables and have them made in Qubicle at the scale they need to be so they don’t have to be enlarged and then I can put more detail in them anyways.

(Edit: I’ll probably have a good amount of plant and wood stuff especially for the buildings but I’m definitely going to have a few more bone and skin things; for those extravagant players that want to looks badass. I actually haven’t been thinking about things in terms of acquiring the resources either haha; I’ll have to start keeping that in mind. :smiling_imp: )


@GrimMethod what scale did you make the doors (Smallest measurement) Im having some trouble myself

I have decided to go old school and am writing stuff out on a dry erase board on my wall.

Herbalist was out for a minute and now he’s back in and Shaman is now a pure job inheritance from two Herbalists. Attention is now being directed at the Witchdoctor and whether it needs a new name or a whole new class should be introduced that’s more Voodoo related.

  • (Edit) So now there is going to be a Bokor (Voodoo sorcerer) there is a lot of stuff about them in history as being a part of Vodou (Voodoo) in they serve with “both hands” meaning dark and light magic. Mythically they are associated with the creation of zombies and “raising the dead” so there we go they get the skeletons and maybe I need some tribal zombies now too. Now I need to find a purpose for the Witchdoctor or he might be getting the axe.

Second edit: So long Witchdoctor and thanks for all the fish.


Well here we go I used today to sit down and think about classes and progression and I still don’t know if all of these are going to make it in or if even more are coming; my goal is to reduce the micro-management of family blood lines by sheer mass of classes. If there is enough overlap it’s more about flavor right?! Well that’s really what the goal is that I’m going to try work into the class balance itself not just with numbers.

  • Carpenter (Base) - Builds huts, buildings, furniture, etc.
  • Warrior (Base) - Standard melee fighter uses spears and heavy armor.
  • Archer (Base) - Standard physical ranged fighter uses bows and medium armor.
  • Tanner (Base) - Maker and shaper of all things leather.
  • Maker (Base) - Inventor and maker of basic tools and weapons.
  • Farmer (Base) - Plows and sows fields for planting food crops.
  • Herbalist (Base) - Grows and picks herbs for medicine, remedies, and healing.
  • Handler (Base) - Captures and “tames” wild animals for various purposes.
  • Scout (Base) - Quick moving observational light melee fighter uses blades and light armor.
  • Shaman (Pure) - Spiritual healer specialist uses conjuring drum & light armor.
  • Champion (Pure) - Melee specialist uses sword and shield fighting & heavy armor.
  • Rancher (Pure) - Specializes in handling and breeding animals (Pikkens especially).
  • Ranger (Pure) - Specialist in scouting and observation uses blades and light armor.
  • Blacksmith (Hybrid) - Maker and forger of metals for all purposes.
  • Bonesmith (Hybrid) - Curer and shaper of bones for all purposes.
  • Bokor (Hybrid) - Voodoo sorcerer casts poisons, life drains, and raising the dead witchcraft.
  • Rider (Hybrid) - Heavy Melee Pikken riding specialist.
  • Skirmisher (Hybrid) - Ranged Pikken riding specialist.
  • Busker (Hybrid) - Light and nimble fighter with a thieving monkey companion.
  • Shadow Walker (Hybrid) - A light melee fighter that seems to disappear almost like magic.
  • Hunter (Hybrid) - A ranged fighter that specializes in scouting and tracking.

Any class marked as Base can be learned by just making the appropriate talisman and equipping it with any classless villager. If the class is marked as Pure that is created from two parents of the same class and any class that is marked Hybrid is made from parents of two different classes. I’ve decided that going forward I’m probably not going to release the class combinations because what’s the fun in that? Part of the fun should be discovering new classes. :wink:


Alrighty here we go. First off can’t believe I haven’t asked before but who makes talismans? Also as we are a small tribe will it be possible to lay as a nomadic tribe? It would be fairly cool if pulled off and even cooler if both were options so both were valid options and similar classes used. Now though for some analysing!

Carpenter, Maker, Tanner
Make sure that you’re not segmenting too much here, the first two sound like essentials and the third while less so will still be important. Just remember that people start with a limited amount of villagers and most of those will probably be plain villagers for basic foraging and hauling so don’t have too many essentials. Also you really need to rename it from Maker and possibly more “Tribal” sounding names for the others as well although that applies to pretty much every class.

Warrior, Archer, Scout
Seems alright, allows for focus and diversity within combat from the start so thats good. Just remember that unless you’re going to making sure you allow for a nomadic playstyle exploration will be mostly useless and that they should have tier 1s able to make their gear and not require like some high tier fletcher class or something.

Farmer, Herbalist, Handler
I assume Handler can catch wild animals and Herbalist and Farmer can get wild crops/herbs but can they also be got by villagers? I assume that if you had one of the class they’d be able to tell the villagers what to get so you could use them for better foraging, just something to consider. Also Farmer doesn’t fit nomadic path if you go that way so make sure to consider that as well.

Herbalist derived? Seems like a healing and buff/debuff based support magic unit, likely some uses outside of combat but it seems more suited to combat as is. I’d say just try and give it some non-combat uses outside of healing.
Champion, Ranger
Warrior and Archer? Nothing complex here, they seem alright and just like upgrade versions of the base class so nothing really to comment on.

Super handler! Not sure how it’s different from the handler as the only difference seems to be an ability to breed animals, rancher sounds wrong for nomadic play as well.

Blacksmith, Bonesmith
Maker with carpenter and tanner? Make sure you’ve got a way to acquire ores as a tribe that makes sense as mass mining operations don’t seem quite right. The other really important thing is what are the advantage of bones? They’d probably be harder to get then wood or metal and break more easily so why would anyone use them?
Bokor, Rider, Skirmisher, Busker, Shadow Walker, Hunter
Shaman/Herbalist, Handler/Warrior, Rider/Scout, Handler/Scout, Shaman/Scout, Ranger/Scout. Any correct? A bunch more combat classes nothing to see really, only suggestions are busker seems a bit weird and possibly have rider as a utility class like chieftan or whatever that can be used with any class. Bokor has potential non-combat uses depending on undead’s capabilities.

A interesting thing I’ve picked from after that is that the higher tiers are absolutely dominated by near combat classes with 1 Provider type, 2 Crafting types, and 2 Combat/Utility dual types onto 7 Combats and the 2 Combat/Util types. Just something to think about when building more classes is that combat is only a part of the game, it might be a big part but there is other things that matter more to it.

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Wow @GrimMethod you’ve been busy. It’s hard to keep up on these forums it’s so active, especially on a gorgeous Canada day weekend. I’ve been out with my kids so much it’s been hard to keep up with all the traffic here.

@GrimMethod I wanted to answer a question you posed back a ways about your boats with the bamboo: If the outside of the bamboo is sealed around the bottom of the hull. Even if bamboo was a tube, which it isn’t, it has partitions that block the tube every foot or so, depending on the size. If the bamboo was as tall or taller than the sides of the boat, physics will give you no problems as far as seaworthyness. There are plenty of boats with ‘voids’ in the middle of the hull, such as cable laying ships, and research vessels. To think about it another way. If you take 4 boats and weld them together in such a way that they make a complete hull with a gap or hole between them they won’t sink. each vessel is sea worthy, sticking them together wont make then not sea worthy. But looking at the whole vessel it has holes in the hull. That wont make it sink because the holes are not holes at the bottom of the hull (which wont make it sink) they are holes that have walls that go above the water line, as your pictured bamboo does. They are not holes per say but voids in the hull shape.

Sorry for the long winded answer, but I wanted to avoid several counter arguments.

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Even if they hollowed it straight through it will still be sea worthy as long as the top of the bamboo is above the water line. Pointing the bamboo outside the boat would not be required. Theoretically if the boat was in rough enough sees that the hull came out of the water and splashed down again SOME water would come out of the bamboo (less than what would be coming over the sides) but that would be the least of their problems.

edit: I guess I got this reply in too quickly :smile:

Awesome info though @2_Zons ! Smuggling tribesmen is a go. :smiley: fixed good enough.

The clatters of Pikken claws could be heard throughout the town as the scouts returned; the cheers and hoots of the party told of a most successful ranging. It became even more apparent when the villagers saw the slabs of meat to be cooked and piles of bones for the crafters were almost spilling out of the saddle bags. The riders were jostling and joking with each other but their eyes could not lie, there was a sense of urgency.

The leader of the hunting party, Anzu, quickly dismounted and entered the Chieftans hut. “Arus cahaya, Juara Kepala.” the warrior said as he put his right arm across his chest and bowed his head. “Arus cahaya” the Chieftan returned placing his arm over his chest as well, “What news do you bring brother?” The warrior looked up with his eyes, the confusion within them was impossible to hide, “Juara Kepala I bring you words of urgency for on our ranging we discovered something strange, brother.” He looked around first to see if anyone could hear before continuing, “Juara Kepala we are not alone here.”

(A new announcement and some fun for me to get ready for lore competitions; woo! :smiley: In case anyone is wondering Arus cahaya is their standard greeting like “hello” it means “light flows” because light is life and it flows like a river? Sounds good. The term Juara Kepala means Chief Champion as in a Chieftan who was a Champion and is his title; Kepala is the chief portion and the other part would change based on what class the chief was before he became chief, sometimes coming after such as Kepala Dukun which is Chief Shaman)


And then there were two…


Did someone say Peregrine Falcon?


if i say yes, will you keep him from pecking out my eyes? he looks very mean… but in a good way… :wink:

nice work!

Thank you sir :smiley: I can’t make any promises for the wild Falcons running around but I’ll make sure the local Falconer knows. :wink:

@GrimMethod id say remove one voxel… the one on the bottom of the beak if not it looks too much like a toucan beak lol

Look at this Bokor; he’s one dapper fella. He made friends with the Falconer’s bird.

@ionut_hoza86 The beak does look pretty good without that extra voxel.


So we have the basics down for how the system is going to work I’m just trying to figure out how to fit the classes around so that it’s both fun, expansive, and doesn’t screw you over if you want to do some trial and error. So here is what I’m thinking right now you’re going to start with some basic classes just to get you up and running; Rungu (Club throwers), Farmer, Fighter, Herbalist, and a Trapper can all be made from a base Carpenter. Everything connected with a blue line is something that can be made from any villager if you can build the right tool/talisman.

Your little base class guys will run around and do their thing gaining levels and soon they’ll enter kind of a next tier or upgrade stage; some classes like the Farmer and Carpenter just keep getting better well into Tier 2 make new and cool stuff. Meanwhile other base classes can be upgraded into exciting and new classes with the right base level and new talisman they’ll transform. Your Tier 2 classes will last a bit longer than Tier 1 (Eventually you probably won’t have any Tier 1’s except Carpenter and Farmer and possibly Herbalist) getting new skills and equipping new armors/equipment and some classes just plain start in Tier 2.

So now you’re leveling guys taking your Warriors out and slaying hordes of enemies but this world is always moving forward and your Warriors won’t always be as young and nimble as they were; soon they’ll get older and with that an increase chance to die. But… but… Anzu is a wrecking machine his Strength and Stamina are off the charts! He’s like a god among tribesmen; so you decide you want to retire Anzu before some Skeleton does it for you. The choice to put a high level Warrior out of the game is a hard risk; but with all risks there is a chance for a great reward. Anzu will find himself a lady friend (who’s also been retired) and soon you’ll have yourself the first of the next generation; this new generation will receive bonuses to two stats based on the Primary (First stat showing above the Tier 2 class boxes; the second stat is the secondary stat related to that class. Each class has two stats that directly influence their skills and abilities.) stat from each of their parents (unless the parents are of the same class then it will use both). This bonus will be a base 10% of their current stat (example) with a random -4%/+4% modifier (example) so it won’t be constant and can be amazing… or crappy.

You can choose to put a tribesmen out to stud anytime you want but they will need to be a master of a Tier 2 class if you want the possibility of unlocking a Super Awesome Elite Tier 3 Class :tm: So in our previous example if you put out Anzu and say Karzu the female warrior while at master level you’ll have yourself your first Champion; this Champion will grow up and make it rain destruction on all those who oppose her and when her time comes you can put her out and her kid will have a random chance of inheriting either one of her Tier 2 classes. So Tier 3’s can possibly make more Tier 3’s but will always at least make a better than average Tier 2.

So now you have active tribesmen and some that are just retired and they might have multiple kids; but they’re still getting older and they’ll eventually die. It might be from old age, for females there will be an increased chance of death while having a kid as they get older, or it could just be a random working accident around town. Just in case you were thinking of making baby factories or if you were wondering “What the heck man? Some retired tribesmen taking up space in my town?!” Once someone is retired they’ll be able to perform all non-class related functions just like a regular worker bee or classless villager.

If you read all of this stuff I’d love to hear your opinions on 1) If it makes sense how I said it, 2) Does it sound fun?, and 3) Do you think it would be too complicated for someone to figure out?

I tried to fit as many “you really need this class to function as a town” type of classes inside Tier 2.
(Edited to make it easier to read; at least I hope so? :smiley: )


This guy might have a habit of stealing things.