Just give constantly decreasing resistances with age so assuming they lived long enough they could have all their bones shatter from the force of a sneeze or have all diseases be near instantly fatal and be able to catch them from hundreds of meters away. Accidents should just be handled by things like invisible trip or fumble chances that would be decreased by traits related to being elderly and whatnot. Make sure when they die you can figure out how they died and it’s a better reason then being old, disease or injury or whatever but actual reasons please.
You can have as many traits as you want, the more there is the harder it is to discover what the requirements are and the less repetition there is, having things like strong, tanky, built, and muscular could be interesting as it helps keep things new. They’d all be slightly different and have different bonuses, plus just add grouping to class so it would be like Inventor needs one of (Scientific, Inquisitive, Logical, Inspired) and one of (Dexterous, Technopath, Nimble Fingers) and not (Dumb, Stupid, Moronic, Slow Learner), it could even allow for distinctions like brawny prevents ranger but muscular doesn’t as it has a slightly higher agility focus.
Everything is invisible stats anyway, this just causes it to become a great big list of action modifers for things like success or whatnot so it works fine. Dominance stuff is useful though as most traits shouldn’t be all bad or all good so it helps balance them.
Related to what I’ve already said but just make most traits have good and bad parts, like maybe strong causes a decrease in speed or simple an increase in manual labor or decreased boredom. Everything has it’s perks, like I nearly can’t stress so consequently while I tend to be pretty bad at deadlines I won’t panic much if I screw something or up or find I don’t how to do half an exam. Everything has it’s up and downs and I’d recommend that being an important factor in your trait design. Plus it would matter more for post-birth traits.
Minmaxing might still be kinda possible for baby factories but you’d need typing and stuff that would just make it pretty much more effort than it’s worth anyway. Suggestion though would be to put caps on min and max +/- traits along with ratio (e.g. not more than 2 bad for 3 good), then add some tiny chance to add new uninherited random traits if over min and fill all under min with them to cause new genetic variation and hopefully preventing overly bad characters from ever occurring. Don’t forget conflicting traits either as while something obvious like strong and weak couldn’t be there at the same time there is the potential for more interesting things like an illogical/logical pair that would be required for high complexity magic and crafting respectively.
I’m still not sure how I feel about them doing proper mining as they are just a small tribe, it’s needed for balance unless an alternative like imbuing wood and clay and stuff with extra strength or what not is used. So do it with an enchanting branch! You could make higher tiers allow for stronger and more varied affects and it’s where this could really be different. Like maybe along with a bonesmith that makes bones as hard as steel you have a clay worker that can make ceramic armour capable of withstanding sword blows or a wood worker that can treat wood to make it as strong as iron, and similar things for leather or whatever. It would need work but it could be cool and make them feel more tribe-y along with allowing them to run full featured from the get go as the underground and proper mining is not an initial beta thing but it wouldn’t need them at all as there would be no mining.
Inspiration has struck! Enchantments are cool and all but do you know what’s cooler? Magical tattoos! A class group based around making the tattoos for your villagers with everything above first level say being able to make more and different magical effects. Tattoos of speed, tattoos of manhood, tattoos of courage or even tattoos of inspiration, anything would be possible and it would make it more than just a cosmetic thing. Plus no need to redo the tattoo’s in a variety of ways for every class to make them look different.
Plenty of text there so I’ll go off to think for now.
PS: Upon looking back over it I have no idea how it got that long so I’m blaming you infecting me. Expect at least one mod-mod attempt from me.