Stonehearth: Choose your own adventure!

Fine, agrees temptation. But we cannot leave any witnesses.

Thoughtfulness is a appalled by this idea.

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This is a horrible idea, says reason. Why on earth would you risk your life to ransack the home of a simple smith?

No, we must try for greater things than this. But first we must prepare. We better weapons - perhaps the blacksmith has some we can “borrow”

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I must stress we should buy it through legal means, Thoughtfulness suggests.


But what is the point if we will only use the weapons to rob the bank? replies reason.

Maybe rewrite the letter so that the blacksmith’s daughter will help us, two can accomplish more than one afterall

Very well, we will read the letter. What does it say?

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That would be trickery and tomfoolery you crazy baboons. Reason and logic i’m most disappointed with you, asserts Thoughtfulness!

How so? questions reason. It is our best possible chance to become wealthy. Thoughtfulness, you’ve spent too much time around compassion. Go back to being a philosopher.

Meanwhile, chaos chuckles. This is turning out to be an amusing day indeed.

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Before we will be going on our wat we should pick up the goblin tokens, might be worth something afterall!


But what about our promises and honour. pride would agree with me 100%, claims Thoughtfulness. There is nothing wrong with compassion, where is us anyway compassion should of inserted ourself’s in this by now…

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this is all so nonsensical! says order…


Maybe we don’t want to be compassionate…

I vote to kidnap the daughter, says greed.

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Read the letter first so we know what we’re getting into, and then deliver it unless it’s really bad, say Honor and Practicality. No robbing, no kidnapping. We’re not going to get any help against this evil tower if we look more evil.

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As a second option to these appealing ideas. I think us should not kidnap daughter of them but give daughter of them the letter and go from there them would appreciate it, suggests Thoughtfulness.

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“thoughtfulness is right, we should simply do what we originally intended! none of this other nonsense!” says order. honestly though this is kinda awesome how you guys played this out.


No, no, forget the blacksmiths daughter, we need to run back too South Riverton and seek out the group of adventureres. With a story of your part in the “Legendary” battle between Black Valley and the goblin horde, they should let you come to the black tower!

So many comments in between the dungeon master his story really confuses me haha, poor DM, having to read it all and come up with something!

This thread is easily one of my favorites already :slight_smile:

@Sanyo201 you should screenscap the GameMaster AI part of the design roadmap and use that as a profile picture :stuck_out_tongue:


Somehow I get the feeling you’ve never seen any of this forum’s map games. :laughing:


FFR I also agree we should read the letter and then deliver it.