thx but it almost looks like hes sitting in a barrel, could use some fine tuning
this model took some time, but i give to you, the Sightless Hound, aka the Blindog!
These creatures have extreme power in their front legs, but extreme weakness in their hind legs.
They also can be tamed, but since they are so large, they require a large amount of food to be tamed. You will need 5 pieces of mutton, which comes from killing poor innocent sheepmen, however it is worth it to obtain such a powerful pet. However, they do tend to miss enemies alot due to them being blind, or sightless.
Sightless Hound / Blindog
Also, the MoonCasters have created a new minion, they have corrupted Blindogs with DimNight Powder and created, the DimDog, beware, they have extreme camouflage at nighttime, and can kill a settler in a single swipe of their huge claws!
leave any possible feedback and ideas
heres a little something i put together that includes all of my “moon folks” so far.
The Moon Forger stands by as the MoonCasters use their MoonCatchers to summon a MoonWatcher and a DimDog.
man I hate to triple post but I really have to!
Ive decided to take a break from all the sheepmen and moonfolks, and I’m movin on to the tech world, I ve decided to create some small, yet useful, BoxBots! Thats right, BoxBots! These little guys have all sorts of different settings to do different jobs, but as of right now my tech workers have only programed a simple Helper BoxBot, they dont do much, but they are a renewable source of workers to carry around loads. However they cant use carts or anything like that, they can merely carry 1 thing at a time in their hands. They also have an on mode(Green) when they will do work, a standby mode(Yellow) where they will freeze in the spot they are standing, and an off mode(Red) where they will return to a charging station. I will soon be putting out the charging station model and some more BoxBots!
Helper BoxBot:
In size comparison to a settler
is all i can say.
Now then, another BoxBot has been programed! This one is the Practice BoxBot. this little guy is extremely weak, due to him wielding only a wooden sword, and isnt so good for real combat, however hes perfect for a training dummy for your swordsman!
Another advancement made to the BoxBots is their eye and mouth colors, depending on what sort of job the BoxBot is given, such as a fighter, their eye and mouth color will change. For example, the basic helper BoxBot has yellow eyes and mouth, however the practice BoxBot has red eyes and mouth.
Practice BoxBot:
on some of your models, if you try to “square them off” a little, that might help them to fit in a little better. They look great anyways!
any specific model your talking about?
Revised a new version of the Blindog and DimDog, more in the stonehearth style I think, I went ahead and took out all “q-bert” effect as suggested by @ManOfRet and @SteveAdamo Also the DimDog’s palette was slightly altered. Enjoy!
I was just talking about the fact that the devs have the “cubert-steps” or whatever it is.
Quote please, Mr. @SteveAdamo!
ha! yes, @Tom has mentioned in many of the live streams, his disdain for the “q-bert effect” (jaggy voxels)… you can see/hear it prominently in the dragon whelp stream…
But that was what I meant. The old dog model was great, (and so is the new one :P), but try to square off the corners a little more if you see any of that kind of stuff.
yeah Ive always messed around with voxels, but have always gone by the “q-bert effect” good advice for my new models though, thx
It’s just one of the basic guidelines that the devs follow.
- Make everything a square, or very similar
- Dem eyes
alright ill keep that in mind, now then, im really looking for ideas and suggestions for my “BoxBots” anything to say in that department @ManOfRet and @SteveAdamo?
Those that are full of great evil, that have had their souls tainted, should have a tint of red in their eyes.
In reply to @stephenmr424, you could try to add a little definition to the top of their heads. That, methinks, would help tremendously. Other than that, great job!
I mean the moon clan.
Ah, yes, that would make more sense.
robots don’t have souls.