Just realized that wont work for DimDog cuz their blind lol, but good idea thx for the feedback!
Okaaaay… man i gotta take a break after this one, but it was worth it! I’m quite happy with how this model came out in the end(For once) and hope you guys like it to!
The engineers have been hard at work, and have created… the Boxoid. This mechanism is far larger than the basic BoxBot, and can carry up to a full ton of loads! It can even carry an entire cart at once. However, to create it requires somewhat expensive resources, and 1 Boxbot to control it. Since the machine is so large, It requires a BoxBot to control it. The machine requires only one charge, and then that power given will travel through the two electrodes atop its head, and thus, the machine never loses the original charge! Pretty good workers i’d say, and theyre cool looking to! so heres the model my engineers came up with.
Carrier Boxoid:
With BoxBot
No BoxBot
No Charge
Hey viewers! Check out my mod page here! It includes the BoxBots and many more new things you won’t find on this page! Check it out now…now…now…I SAID NOW!