Steffers Geodamo Siphoning Center For Painting And Stuff

People are excited because Stonehearth has been on Steam for a year now.. There’s lots of celebration, but for us scientists such as me and, to some very minor extent, @Swift_Cube, the recent release of a previously confidential picture gives us even more reason to celebrate and, as I am sure, will change the world as we know.

Without any further ado, let me explain:

A cute picture, isn’t it? But what are those red things? Sparks from the fire? Evil eyes? Fireflies? Radioactive berry bushes?

Let’s have a closer look.

There is certainly something there, but we can’t be sure what it is. After applying various, very scientific filters with very, very complicated names, we get a better result:

Therefore, I am proud to announce that it appears we have found the Sheep-not-Bison particle! Physicists will have to analyse this data for years to come. We are sure that this discovery will allow us to greatly expand our knowledge of the universe. Together with the Hat-theory, it could explain why sheep are wooly, for example, or why berries are purple.

Truly, we are living in interesting times.