this is why I don’t like the current system lol
I’ve talked about this a long time ago
I’m hoping with the new topology service this can be fixed because just as hearthlings do not try to find a path to terrain that is inaccessible mobs should not be able to spawn in terrain that does not have access to both the edge of the map and the player location.
this would require an update to the map generator or a the ability for mobs to change terrain to ensure each elevation has a path to the edge of the map but would fix the issue. this would likely force the generator to stop making cliffs and make more of a hilly terrain in some areas to compensate for this problem.
I think this is fine because if we ever simulate a trader coming to town, this would be a requirement anyway.
same elevation solution?
this sounds very similar to an old idea I had
like this?
for columns that are too close to the centroid give them a larger radius offset to compensate so that you get something closer to the red polygon at least in the inner part of the zone
by drawing a circle from the centroid that is triple the area of the center of the triangle to the edge of the inside of the triangle. this would instead give you a circular radius around the inside of your town but still allow mobs to spawn near the edge of the town.
easy circle math tool for drawing this Circle Calculator
I still feel this is more player friendly but not 100% foolproof as you can tell the weak spots are now in 2 places for the player object at the top left and bottom right of the new circle as they are closest to the enemy spawning locations so it would still benefit the player to centralize their town but not limit the area that the town occupies.
I would still recommend putting a limit to how small the circle can be so that enemies cannot spawn within like 40 blocks of a player object or hearthling.
you know the thing about not having a war on 2 fronts? there is still challenge here, especially because the area is a lot larger patrols become more important. soldiers would have to try to defend a large area on completely different sides of a huge chunk of land. this is a good thing though, because it incentivizes the player to make multiple parties and organize things more.
centriod mentioned in the video:
I think that the method of multiplying the circle of the inner polygon is probably more desirable especially with odd cases like in the video at 1:57
while I think it would make the game interesting to have an enemy wander into this zone, I think its unacceptable to have them spawn there as this is territory you have already scouted out otherwise you wouldn’t build there