Ok, so maybe an option in the menus that disables monster spawning, so you can do a nice big town with cool looking defences, and THEN spawn ents, zombies, and all that fun stuff, so you can make it look like a fantasy first, and then deal with NPCs, rather than either never having them because of being in peaceful, or having to deal with them while building, which just gets annoying.
Oh yeah, and maybe an option to make the area that mobs can’t spawn in bigger. All too often I build a massive defensive wall, and they just spawn inside it. So maybe a slider to increase the amount of blocks away from the flag they have to be to spawn in. Obviously you’d have to limit it to something to prevent people from raising it so high that they spawn off the map and don’t exist.
Oh, another thing…LAST THING, I SWEAR!
Ok, maybe, in the escape menu, in a difficulty tab, have those two options, alongside a bunch of buttons to choose which mobs spawn. Kind of like what happens in Don’t Starve, where you choose whether, for example, spiders spawn, or bears, or dragons. You get the idea =P. I’d like to make it so my settlement is built in the fields of Terrokka, which are infested with zombies, skeletons, and Imps (The Stone and Wood mobs can be those). So it lets you build your own story. Or, if you are nuts, you can immediate make every kind of mob spawn in, and cry as your town is demolished.
So, just a few suggestions. I think they’d all work pretty well towards crafting your own story =D