Some crafting ideas for the millstone & other stuff

When we have the millstone, the last thing I want is for it to be able to craft only 3 recipes. So, here are some crafting ideas for the millstone:

  • Jams and jellies; made using fruit and sugar, or, if you want it to be a tad bit more tart, just fruit. Goes well with other foods.
  • Mashed potatoes: If we have potatoes.
  • Fruit juice; as long as you have cups, you can squeeze that fruit and mix it with water a bit for juice. Ferment this for wine, cider, and more.

My opinion on the baker and current cooking system:
I say the current cooking system needs recipes that take time. For example, bread wouldn’t be instantaneously ready, but the cook could put multiple loaves in the oven at once, and do other things while said bread is baking. As for the baker, PLEASE IMPLEMENT HIM. The cook could make some basic baked goods, as well as things that have vegetables+meat involved, but bakers would have more complex and slower baking goods like tarts, pastries, pies and more.

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Agreed on Jams and jucies. There’s so much you can do with berries, it’s insane.
I was thinking about this before I fell asleep last night. The cook, I mean.
Anybody else think that bread is a bit unbalanced? Gotta make 4 separate things (Flour, flour, flour, bread) and a single loaf costs 9 wheat. It’s great for knocking down how much room your food is taking up but, man… does he have to get one wheat, put it in the pot, go get another, put it in the pot, go back down, get another… 3 times?! Maybe 1 wheat could = a flour and 3 flours = a bread. Or the other way around.

Alpha alpha alpha. I know. But considering this is the ONLY real “here’s a rant” problem I have…

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@SirStafford If the cook would just use his backpack well, it wouldn’t be as much of an issue. If that happens, when we get higher capacity backpacks, it shouldn’t be a problem at all.

As nice as it would be to have more uses for the millstone, I think juice and wine should be made in a press instead. You press or squeeze fruits into juice in real life. You don't grind fruits into juice! As for jam / jelly / preserves, I admit I had no clue how those were made. Wikipedia was helpful in this. Basically, the fruit is either mashed or chopped, and then boiled until it sets. I suppose you could possibly use a millstone for mashing.

I think the cook’s going to need quite a few different workstations/machines for the higher level foods anyway. Well, it’s realistic!

Well, hey, it’s hard to think of good crafting recipes for the millstone, okay?

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Minecraft’s Terra Firma Craft mod lets you make various powders besides flour on its version of a millstone. Gunpowder’s ingredients, mortar’s ingredients, dyes, fertilizer’s ingredients, and salt, to name a few. At least some of those could be in Stonehearth.

True, but the only issue is the fact that cooks don’t use gunpowder to make food. Although…

Gunpowder pot pie!

Are you sick of not getting enough umph out of your regular pie!?


Then try gunpowder pot pie!
We are not responsible for any injuries.


I bet it has an explosive flavour

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DO NOT REHEAT Blammy Co. Genuine Gunpowder Pot Pie.


Let the Cook make Jams out of Berry Baskets and Cactus Apples. They would be the same nutritional value as their base items, but never decay no matter how long you stored them. I think it would be useful for when Winter is implemented and you can’t farm year-round.

For that matter, various preserves/canning would be a good call for cooks, too :slight_smile: Definitely a great thought for season implementation!


This makes me wonder, at some point, will animals ever drop meat when killed, that the cook turns into jerky to preserve, or no? It just seems a little weird that the animals are dropping pre-dried meat. They must be very dehydrated.


We also talked about jam a bit here.

then I derailed the thread by mentioning gunpowder - sorry! Hopefully it won’t happen again!


Merged…just try not to derail our fragile train again :wink:…


Makes sense in the desert? :innocent:

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