Shepherd Hearthling stuck IN the ground while looking for cows?

while searching for cows to bring back to a farm my shepherd randomly got stuck in the ground. i thought ok i’d mine her out. nope. she just sinks into the ground as they mine. all i can see is her head. she’s unable to get out and thus is now starving to death with a cow next to her :confused:

Steps to reproduce:

Expected Results:

Actual Results:



Version Number and Mods in use:

System Information:

Click on the Cow, CTRL+C > teleport > place on floor
Click on the POI, CTRL+C > teleport > place on floor next to cow

zomg really!? THAT’S ALL I NEED TO DO? AHAHAH wow >W<;;

never mind it didn’t work :confused:

Is it still stuck ? In this case it has to do with the mod. I had the same issue with yaks and someone else with pigs, all non vanilla creatures.

darn :confused: that sucks. look like i’ll have to go back to a previous save and figure out what happened.

i know someone said this with the command console but if you have debug tools shift-rightclick and sellect teleport, then you dont have to type where just click

If you select either the shepard or sheep, type reset into the command console. It will reset the entity to an accessible area.

If you can’t get the shepherd out, please upload the save so we can take a look. This isn’t the first report of a stuck Hearthling recently…

To upload a save, locate the folder in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stonehearth\saved_games (assuming a default Steam install), zip the individual save’s folder (not the entire saved_games folder), and upload it. If the *.zip is less than 10 MB, feel free to upload it directly to the Discourse. If larger, please upload it to a cloud storage site like Dropbox, Google Drive, File Dropper, etc. and post the sharing link here.

1492275915778.rar (8.9 MB)

here you go. it’s very frustrating honestly.

um… idk if its just me but i cant find anything in the walls…

i said in the ground…not in the walls…

i ment ground sorry xD
Just didnt wanna retype that message cuz im lazy…

Hey there @Kitkat_Matt, what mods are you running? I’m going to need to download them myself in order to test this. When trying to load the save it crashes, and I’m seeing at least one mod (HOMF) mentioned in the log after it crashes.

##As far as i know this is the only one

So you’re not running Hearthlings of Many Faces?

I said as far as i know xD not i know every mod

Besides i dont have that and i can get in it

I wasn’t trying to be accusatory - doing my best to try and get this loaded so I can test it.

After installing the Archipelago mod, I was able to get it loaded (with 39 engine errors). Based on the engine errors, you’re also running:

  • Relyss’s Slab mod
  • stonehearth_expanded
  • Settlement Decor
  • My doorway mod

When dealing with bug reports, it’s really critical that we get a list of mods as they’re not only needed in many cases to load the save, but they can also affect the game masking whether the bug is in Stonehearth itself, or the mod.

I loaded the save, and the Shepherd does not appear stuck…

Try the updated version of cafe mod. From what I read there, those stuck shepherds were a bug in there, and it got fixed in the new version of the mod.

i’ll go down the list, the mods i have activated and anything specific about them to note

MRContainers: i only use them as decorations and nothing more as i always seem to have issues with them being used as actual storage containers.

Archipelago Biome: i have the latest version of it which is made for A21

Better StockPiles: Also have the latest version that’s been updated for A21 i believe

Canyon Biome: i haven’t seen an update for the absolute most recent build of A21 but i believe it came out FOR A21 regardless (not presently being played on when i got this error however)

Coalsmelting: i have the latest version tho i don’t think it was for A21 specifically, HOWEVER it seems to work perfectly fine with the latest build regardless

desert Transition temperate: installed it to see what it was like but don’t presently play on it.

DU Tracker: i have the latest version, the UI change works just fine in the current build.

Grove Biome: also not presently being played on but seems to work just fine

HOMF (many faces): i have the latest version of it, it’s made for A21 i believe, and it works perfectly fine. However you will take note that the mod is listed in the mod list as “key’stonehearth:homf (en)’ returned object instead of string”

Jomaxro’s Doorways: i haven’t seen an update in a while, however the version i have functions with out errors.

Patrol Mod: i haven’t been using it all that much honestly but nothing comes up related to it in the error logs.

Season Mod: i haven’t actually seen it effecting the trees honestly but then again i guess that would be the case when playing on Archipelago which is the map i’m currently playing.

Settlement Decor: i have the latest version it works just fine.

Smart Cart(small Cart) nothing seems to be amiss tho i mostly use it as decoration

Smart Crafter: i have the latest update to it, no errors have come up directly referencing it.

stonehearth Expanded: It seems to work just fine in it’s current version tho anything is possible with this one as i’ve had errors related to it in the past.

terrain colors: i haven’t seen an update for it recently, but it seems to work fine.

unit Frame Activity mod: i haven’t seen an update for it in a while but nothing seems to be not working with it. could be wrong tho.

and honestly i was doing multiple things, crafting, building, and mining back to back. i move so quickly with everything that it’s hard to tell exactly what i was doing when the error came up as i tend to ignore the errors when they first appear and wait until my current queue of tasks are done before looking at it.strong text

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