i’ll go down the list, the mods i have activated and anything specific about them to note
MRContainers: i only use them as decorations and nothing more as i always seem to have issues with them being used as actual storage containers.
Archipelago Biome: i have the latest version of it which is made for A21
Better StockPiles: Also have the latest version that’s been updated for A21 i believe
Canyon Biome: i haven’t seen an update for the absolute most recent build of A21 but i believe it came out FOR A21 regardless (not presently being played on when i got this error however)
Coalsmelting: i have the latest version tho i don’t think it was for A21 specifically, HOWEVER it seems to work perfectly fine with the latest build regardless
desert Transition temperate: installed it to see what it was like but don’t presently play on it.
DU Tracker: i have the latest version, the UI change works just fine in the current build.
Grove Biome: also not presently being played on but seems to work just fine
HOMF (many faces): i have the latest version of it, it’s made for A21 i believe, and it works perfectly fine. However you will take note that the mod is listed in the mod list as “key’stonehearth:homf (en)’ returned object instead of string”
Jomaxro’s Doorways: i haven’t seen an update in a while, however the version i have functions with out errors.
Patrol Mod: i haven’t been using it all that much honestly but nothing comes up related to it in the error logs.
Season Mod: i haven’t actually seen it effecting the trees honestly but then again i guess that would be the case when playing on Archipelago which is the map i’m currently playing.
Settlement Decor: i have the latest version it works just fine.
Smart Cart(small Cart) nothing seems to be amiss tho i mostly use it as decoration
Smart Crafter: i have the latest update to it, no errors have come up directly referencing it.
stonehearth Expanded: It seems to work just fine in it’s current version tho anything is possible with this one as i’ve had errors related to it in the past.
terrain colors: i haven’t seen an update for it recently, but it seems to work fine.
unit Frame Activity mod: i haven’t seen an update for it in a while but nothing seems to be not working with it. could be wrong tho.
and honestly i was doing multiple things, crafting, building, and mining back to back. i move so quickly with everything that it’s hard to tell exactly what i was doing when the error came up as i tend to ignore the errors when they first appear and wait until my current queue of tasks are done before looking at it.strong text