The Official Stonehearth Discourse Starbound Server!
Yes, Discourse now has a Starbound server as well as a Minecraft Server…
If you are going to play, there are a few rules you’ll need to obey…
Don’t bug or annoy others - This is just so we can have a nice community.
Don’t destroy or grief others’ creations - It’s just not nice to have your lovely shack get destroyed!
Don’t steal from people’s storage - If you know that chest belongs to someone, don’t take! However, I’m sure everyone stores their stuff on their ship anyways.
Use your forum name as your character name - Just so people know who is who. Also, if you can, make sure it’s exactly the same. If not, the closest thing possible is advised.
Do report any downtime on this topic - I’m not always on, so the first place I will check for any reports is here!
Do expect world wipes - Beta is Beta.
Now… after that boring list of rules…
The IP to connect is:
Enjoy playing on the server!
TIP: Store your stuff on your ship. World wipes are frequent.
The server went down? I’ll have to check it… but yes. Tis was a good run!
Edit: I believe my server has just randomly shut down… and everytime I start it up it just shuts down due to an error. I’ll update you all on when it’s back up.
Not sure why @ManOfRet deleted his post … but yes we played together the other day for about 30/40 minutes before I had to go and there was no lag or crashes whatsoever … so not sure, I doubt the latest update would have broken anything?