Questions, Answers, Stonehearth Information Thread [Updated 31st July 2014]

The Gameworld

  • I was hoping for more biomes like Deserts, Jungles and Deep Caves [color=purple][size=10][/size][/color]

“[url]Don’t worry! After we implement Glacier Biome, it shouldn’t be too hard to implement others … But the game should have swamps, deserts,etc in addition to grasslands and glaciers.[/url]”

  • [url] Will there be biome specific races? [/url] - Livestream - 2:29:30 [color=#aa00ff][size=18] New [/size][/color]

That’s tricky, there will be biome specific critters and animals, and you will be more likely to encounter goblins in foothills and forests than the river delta, but we don’t want to go too overboard because we don’t want to mask off a large percentage of the content based on where you chose to settle.

  • How large can the worlds potentially be? Is there a planned limit or will it be open ended?

“The world is procedurally generated, so it’s theoretically of way larger than you could explore. There might be good game play reasons to stay close to your town, though. We’ll find a good balance when we do beta testing”

“Re: world size, our goal is that the world will expand as you explore it. Remember, since this is a city management game it’s not like you’re going to be trekking hundreds of miles away from home, but we don’t want you running into any map borders either.”

  • [url]Will there be any natural disasters such as floods, forest fires and earthquakes to deal with?[/url] [color=purple][size=10][/size][/color]

“We will have some natural disasters. For sure fire and man-made disasters like plagues. Earthquakes would be tough, but we’ll see what we can do. ;)”

  • [url]Will you be able to see the whole of the map at once and everything that happens on it or will you be forced to like send villagers/soldiers to investigate certain parts of the map (fog of war)? [/url]

“We are planning on fog of war.”

  • [url]To what extent will I be able to alter the terrain, if I wanted to build a town on a tall hill will I be able to use my geomancer?[/url] - Livestream - 1:22:19

“Yes exactly, firstly you’ll be able to alter the terrain with your workers, they’ll be able to like dig ditches and build hills but they’re just ordinary humans so they won’t be able to build mountains. The idea behind the geomancer is that it’s a sort of amplifier for your workers and their ability to change the world, ‘she’ can raise entire pillars of earth or make sinkholes … the other thing she can do is make earthern golems to replace/supplement your workers.”

  • [url] Will there be any terrain based dangers to explorers like quicksand, wildfires? [/url] - Livestream - 33:12

“Those all sound cool … The game is gonna be primarily focussed on your city, so it’s not really about going off and exploring, so investing resources in the landscape might not be worth it … it’s all about what happens to your city, and perhaps these disasters coming to you, either a sandstorm, or forest fire. That doesn’t mean 100% of the time will be focussed on your city, as there will be interaction with surrounding factions etc.”

  • [url]Can we replant trees, or do we just deforest our world? [/url] - Livestream - 16:59

“I think you need to be able to plant trees, it’s just a matter of when … so sure you’ll be able to plant trees … it’ll be something figured out in tuning.”

  • [url]Are resources on the map finite, will we have to start a new game because they’re exhausted? [/url] - Livestream - 18:10

“I hope not, that’d be a horrible reason to restart a game … you shouldn’t have to restart the game because you feel like you’ve made bad choices … there’ll always be a way to find resources from somewhere … dig deeper, trade, replant trees …”

  • [url] Will there be populated underground dungeons, abandoned structures?[/url] - Livestream - 30:50 ]

“All of those sound like great ideas for the dwarves, certainly not before the release, we’re trying to focus on the core above ground city building, crafting, defending game … there might be abandoned structures above ground, they might be something you bump into … which may have cool artifacts etc.”.

  • [url]Will weather be just for show or will it effect the game? [/url] - Livestream - 46:14

“Some yes, some no, it’s not just gonna be for show … lightning strikes catching things on fire sounds cool, weather will effect crops … imagine big weather phenomenons, like tornados and day/night cycle shifts. Smaller things like wind, maybe, maybe not.”

  • [url] Will seasons and things affect the growth of crops [/url] - Livestream - 2:35:09 [color=#aa00ff][size=18] New [/size][/color]

Yea, rain affecting crops is something that is easy, obvious and works great. The fun for us in our simulations is: we setup the rules, you learn rules, you develop a system that is totally awesome and then we knock over your sandcastle with a random event and you have to react. Rain or drought is the kind of thing that is like well I thought I was master of the universe but now there’s this drought so how do I react.

  • [url]How are alternate planes going to work? [/url] - Livestream - 42:14

“We’re still brainstorming it … at the minimum we want the alternate planes to be substantially different from the terrestrial plane … we want them to be other-worldly, somewhere where you’re not supposed to be.”

Click the links to go to the relevant sections:

  • [url]Crafting/ Items/ Customisation[/url]
  • [url]Characters/ Races/ NPCs/ AI[/url]
  • [url] Animals/ Monsters/ Creatures [/url]
  • [url]Combat[/url]
  • [url]Construction[/url]
  • [url] Engine/ Programs Used [/url]
  • [url]Modding[/url]
  • [url]Multiplayer[/url]
  • [url]The Gameworld[/url]
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