yeah, i tried that too, no go. so just went with mining out a moat.
was that using auto build or actual building?
actual, i never AB. i see what i can do with them.
I start off with the base, then the walls on bottom, and finished with the slab around it. using ladder for villagers to get to areas they can not get too. (till we can scaff or villager auto ladder to areas to build). then start second floor(top), slab then wall that. and slab again. then i build the post. then laddered the sails one at a time. it was time consuming but worth it.
Wow! @sdee check this out.
That’s a sweet build! I can’t wait till they add ponds/lakes/oceans? >.>
Pirates Bay is coming along nicely. no real crashes, a hiccup once. I kept it at 10 villagers and on day 22 of Dewmun, 1000.
just add water :P…
I wish there was water, , maybe my tears will fill it
lol @Heimerdinger
Also amazing work @micheal_handy76_mh the lighting makes it come alive
i just noticed the chimney on the one house that’s so amazing…
ill be waiting! (better be good…)
@micheal_handy76_mh congratz on the TItle, Builder Extraordinaire!
oh yeah just noticed it Congrats
same from me - congratz!
Here you go! Epic fight!! I love the facial expressions of the Goblins in back. They’re like “LET’S GET THEM” or “DUUUUUUURRRRR”…not sure yet
Heads are rollin in the new month!
@micheal_handy76_mh, we will dedicate water to Port Town of Pirates Bay.
Why the mayor of Pirates Bay say’s “Thank you, @sdee!”
I’m glad I can provide enjoyment to others, and that they like my builds. And thank you all to the Radiant team for making a fantastic game, even this early in the stages.