Post your Alpha 4 Screenshots!

agreed… best thing i’ve seen all day… :smile: :+1:

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Ahem, apart from @Geoffers747 you mean? You know how cranky he gets…


This is great. It’s wonderful. Instant like and reservation. :love_hotel:

Also, it reminds me of the time I got into a feud over the internet with some big meanie-poo who would not stop annoying me no matter what, so I made a fake Yelp account in his name and made fun of the place he worked at, as well as ridiculing him too. :wink:

Mod edit: I’ve asked you too many times to curb the colourful words. So I will replace them with silly alternatives here on out.

Modded in useable shields and armor buffs, here she is ready to fight the horde.


<img src="//" width=“690” height=“366”<img
It took a while but made it to day 23, keep up the good work guys :slight_smile:


WOW!!! looks amazing!!! :smile:

This is probably the nicest town I have ever seen. Could you show us more angles?

You made it to Day 23 without being ravaged by OP mobs of Goblins or dying by other means?

Very nice! You should post your town stats as well. I made it to day 17 before all 20 of my saves got corrupted.

So wait, @Froggy’s building in the middle of Chicago and Mer Burlyhands is from Texas??

Huh. Fair enough.


So does @SteveAdamo.

wow, that is … fairly epic, my friend… well done! well done indeed! :smile: :+1:

hey! what’s wrong with my lovely state? you know, this is a surefire way to get yourself removed from my pen pal list, Mr…

here we finally have a pro at this game


Day 4 and all my guys have been slaugtered :’(

Atleast i had a save phew…

Then that happened im scared now :confused:

Dinner time


This is as far as I have ever got, day 8. Took this just before the save file deleted itself :frowning:


Here are a couple more screenshots :slight_smile: and i actually died from a goblin raid at around day 8 XD but i reloaded the game and they never came again, lol i don’t know why. also my game got corrupted many times while playing but all you have to do is go to the saves in the game folder and scroll down to the most recent saves and keep deleting the them one at a time and opening the game continuously until it says continue game. Right now i can actually keep going with my village but its getting annoying because my game saves are getting corrupted pretty much every time i try to save my game, but i love the way the games is going so far i cant wait till more content come out :D!


Very impressive! I think the save corruption would have stopped me quite sooner than it did for you.

But wow. That’s a lot of mean (straw) beds. We really need a way to dispose of or replace them–I bet you would have gotten an even higher score if those things weren’t sapping settler happiness when they slept.

Looks just amazing !!!

i would have posted my pic here, if my save hadnt vanished :confused: