Post your Alpha 4 Screenshots!


Well, I’ve been watching this post for quite some time and given that Alpha 4 is about to come to an end I think I’ll post some of my favorite screen shots from Alpha 4.

Nap time with the bunny.

Yeah… I have no idea.

I mean honestly, the beds are RIGHT THERE…

Apparently the weaver is some wizard of tasty pumpkin rolls… ?

And that’s about all I’ve gotten! Here’s to the next era of Alpha 5 screenshots!



Yeah farming seems a little OP to me. You can have one small farm and one farmer growing turnips, and the next thing you know, you have more food than you have space for it. But that’s another discussion for another time.

Oh so this is where everyone goes to avoid work :stuck_out_tongue:


Apparently Fluffy was recently acquired at Radiant.

I am going to go through the town name thing now…

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Here is my little town with stock pile area

here is the inside view

and then I broke the game :frowning:


I thought I would bring this topic back to life with a few pictures I got from one session of play before the game completely wiped my save data away

This is the top view

Half wall view

Close ups on buildings

I was going to make some 2 story buildings up the hill but the game crashed :frowning:
I like the way this town came out, I want to build my city using “social stature”. So the “poor professions” such as farmers and hunters would live in the lower level houses with basic furniture and made out of plane woods and such and higher up the city would be the “wealthy workers” like the guards and such and they would get the fancy stuff. It will come out nice when more features are in the game. But for now the game is going well, my only quim besides the crash is the fact that they dont put windows in the window holes.

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