I was trying to avoid saying something, but… oh well. You read me too easily.
Let’s not ever bring this up again. Ever.
Anyway, looks like I’ll need to create more render-genic projects in the future in order to get featured…
I was trying to avoid saying something, but… oh well. You read me too easily.
Let’s not ever bring this up again. Ever.
Anyway, looks like I’ll need to create more render-genic projects in the future in order to get featured…
lovely stuff @Pandemic, looking forward to seeing lake town in its full.
i dunno… your diadem depot is pretty render worthy in my opinion…
Oh Really? I didn’t realize Pandemic was of the god race!!
@Pandemic, if you want some of the models I used (fish, boat), just ring the bell. And indeed, it would be cool if you can get convincing water, not a totally realistic one but a bit of transparency, reflection and refraction should do the trick…
thinking about bells, are you planning on including the bell/bell-tower in this render @Pandemic?
edit: just re-read the comments and saw this,
[quote=“Sandwitch, post:901, topic:5176”]
Here’s a list of Not-in-the-game-yet-but-since-I’m-Pandemic-I’ll-do-it-anyway objects:
[/quote] one thing you must understand is that some (not all) of those things are from F.E.P not the game itself.
I’ve been looking over the Lakeside Village Thread very closely, if I can find a way I can add one it won’t be the one already in the city but a new one. The Angle of the shot just doesnt allout me to over it
Been a bit busy. So I decided to work on Lakeside Village today!
Made some mountains, did first lighting pass… oh and I added 217 trees. That’s a lot of trees. Also made some adjustments to the water if you look closely you can still see reflections BUT you can see into the water much easier than before. I am using my boats because I havent gotten around to asking @Beatrice for the fish and boats… kinda busy so you know… yeah.
If you wanna see what I’ll be doing for the middle island head over to the Lakeside Village thread here:
I’m basing the render off of the screenshots there, so if you find something (Like the bell tower @8BitCrab ) you’d like to see let me know! This will also be the first time Conradin (Name Pending) and the Thief will be together in a render!
EDIT: Sorry guys. I was planning on rendering out Library tonight while I slept… but I just found out it’s corrupted. I’ll restart it, but idk when it’ll be released now.
But you do well! I haven’t seen your boat model before and it’s pretty cool to see the two of us have come to a similar approach in the global shape! I suppose the grey parts on each side are for paddle, right?
I’m offically 22!!
Yesterday was my 22nd Birthday, pretty great day and got some stuff done
Recovered an old save of the library so that’s still on (YYYEEEESSSS!) and I have an update on the Lakeside Village!
Been working on the water, trying to get finish up the surface to see under it. Here’s some results!
FISH! they exists, rather than getting someone else’s model I figured I’d take a swing at it! Yet another for the “Not-in-the-game-yet-but-since-I’m-Pandemic-I’ll-do-it-anyway” objects! I also managed to squeeze in the bell tower!
Uiiii Happy Birthday! Belated! And Great Work!
Belated happy birthday, @Pandemic !
Keep it up!
this render is looking awesome @Pandemic, cant wait for the final release!
woot! i’m glad you could fit that in
[quote=“Pandemic, post:911, topic:5176”]
Yesterday was my 22nd Birthday
[/quote]belated happy birthday mate!
Happy Birthday!
Nice job with the fishes! (despite it’s hard to see them clearly at this stage of the render!)
Concerning the water, I’m wondering if it isn’t too blue…
This is a early pass. All my previews are a little grainy it’ll be clearer in final. The water can be dialed down, but I still plan to add some reflection to the surface and require a dark color for the effect
perhaps adding a bit more green? make it more of a dark turquoise color?
Wow, I’m actually older than you by two years. I didn’t realize that. Regardless, happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!!! Keep on like this for many more years!
Oh my god… Someone who lived before the time of touch screen phones. I’ve heard rumors, but I never believed them. They… THEY LIVE AMONG US!
And even more astonishing, some more rumors say a few dinosaurs are still alive and sneak among us, those who used rotary dial phones in early ages…
@Pandemic, idea, if you need a dark water, then perhaps you can do a mix between the color/transparency of the water and the color of the bottom of your water (the ground)… Not sure if it may help anyway…
FEESH! FEEEESH! Huzzah for feesh!
Alright! Update Time!
I’ve been a busy bee, I felt the scene was quite bare so today I took a break from water materials (Thank the lord!) and did some atmosphere! Added more “Not-in-the-game-yet-but-since-I’m-Pandemic-I’ll-do-it-anyway” objects. Take a look
I included the theif for the sole purpose of getting opinions on the Fishing Rod. it’s basic and I’m not feeling it. It worked for the festival and looked great, here not so much. Let me know what you think!
Put in some custom lamps, nets and other neat stuff like the ladders to get out of the water! I am split between doing a Biomes Render or a Crafters Update Render so let me know on that as well!
Later Folks!