Need help with modelling!

This Hearthling is very happy. Really. Trust me, I’m an Psychologist Engineer.

How I made it.

  1. Solid model in Magica. Save it as qb.
  2. Save model parts for animation into obj from Magica (this is important!)
  3. Load qb from Magica into VoxelShop. Separate into layers (matrices). Save it again.
    Important: do NOT export from VoxelShop for animation.
  4. Load obj files into Blender. Set origins. Export skeleton.
  5. Note that every model part you’ve just loaded is rotated 90 degrees around X axis. Rotate it back to 0. Yup, your model is a mess now. Didn’t know FOSS comes with a bit of sacrifice? Now I do.
  6. Animate as usual and export animations.
    Note that the skeleton can be exported at any time after setting origins since rotations are not saved. Animation, however, must be made and saved after model parts have been rotated to 0 degrees.

And now about the reasons why.
Rotation stuff, I suppose, takes root in Z-up right-hand basis in Blender. Both Qubicle and SH (I assume) use Y-up right-hand basis.
As for NOT being able to import to Blender from VoxelShop… Bad news. According to the graphics inside the program VoxelShop uses left-hand basis system. While we can get Y-up from Z-up with a simple rotation 90 degrees, getting a right-hand basis from a left-hand basis is not that easy. So my conclusion is VoxelShop currently should not be used in anything aside from light model edits (and especially not in animation).

Axes are still haunting me - I had no 3D exercises in years, so I hope pro animators will forgive me if I’m talking gibberish. That being said,

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