This new mod, StructuresPlus, brings some utility as well as a new mechanic to the game: structural integrity
Now this is definitely not for everyone but is the first of several “technical” mods that I’m working up and provides some extra challenge with buildings. Functionality is currently rather limited but as the building systems improve in-game and I have more time for refinement we should see quite a bit more relevance for construction mods and plenty more features in this mod.
Tear-down command button to trigger easy deconstruction of existing buildings
Toggle command button to turn structural integrity view mod on and off
Merge building command button to combine connected structures
Combines structures of connected buildings
Runs recursively
Structural integrity view
Color gradiant indicates load: green for low load up to red for high load
Walls and columns are highlighted individually to show load on each support structure
Updates in real-time as load on building is altered
Structural fatigue
Support structures that exceed limits begin to collapse
Custom effect plays to indicate a failing support has broken
NEW - Building configuration UI
Buttons for view mode, tear down, and merge (moved off of structures)
Settings to enable/disable various building features
The only thing on that point, is that you can not template multistory buildings. Unless you use slab tool to build on top of existing prebuilt buildings or the whole build is slabs
Well … technically not the only way. You can edit the JSON data for the template and build it up manually in Sublime or Notepad++ which is what I’ve done for testing this. It’s a huge pain but you can create proper multi-level buildings that way. I’ll post my test building template on here as a download once I have it cleaned up a bit better.
Dude keep this up! I like where this mod is going. Maybe in the far future you could apply this to mines so we are forced to build support structures in mines to avoid collapse!
@chessmaster42 Why , the rest of the place is not removed???My guess is that the cause of the wooden lamp.My guess is correct, bed and lamp, need to manually removed(unedploy).Or it will hinder the demolition of houses.
Just released v0.2.0 and I finished up a couple things and added in a cool new feature
Created command button artwork. No longer using default images
Added merge building command
Added command button with custom icon
Merges in connected buildings
Can be run multiple times to connect chained structures
The building merge will eventually be recursive and automatically merge in all connected structures in a chain but for now it only merges in ones directly adjacent. To connect chains simply keep clicking the merge button until all buildings are merged.
Hopefully this little addition will also help out all of the builders out there. Enjoy!
Version 0.3.0 is now out. This version is mostly bugfixing but also includes a custom effect instead of using the dead effect when a structure collapses. The version also updates the building merge to recursively combine buildings.
Added custom effect for structure collapse
Merge now runs recursively
Fixed a TON of bugs with calculating if a building structure was properly supported
Now taking suggestions! I’ve got the main features either complete or mostly underway for this mod and am looking for ideas from you guys. We know that @Ponder is already working on a number of things for buildings like the multi-story buildings and some overhaul (among other things) so what I’m looking for are things beyond the announced features on the trello board. No idea is too crazy because it all helps me organize what I’m going to work on next
And as always if anyone comes across bugs or weird things with this mod please keep letting me know!
Bigger, stronger and more complicated walls
Allowing demolition of walls piece by piece (useful for structural collapse as well)
Auto-queue parts for buildings into existing workshops
Yeah, sorry about that being in just a zip file. I have an automated process setup to package and upload to google drive and it just zips 'em. I’ll try to remember to make future updates as a .smod to make things a bit easier
Any bugs or weirdness to report on it? I haven’t heard much feedback so I assume everything is working perfectly
@chessmaster42 hi,I use you to make the mod, but I didn’t know the inside of the building “fusion” function of the actual use? Is my error?If you can, hope to be able to use GIF images introduce this feature