Your problem is the version number in the manifest. It has to be at least 1.
The version number in the manifest is meant for version checking by the game. Currently, that version is set to 1. If it was changed to 2, all mods with a version of less than 2 would automatically fail to load. In theory at least, it makes using mods easier by disabling old mods automatically when a new version comes along. For now, make sure it is at least 1
Is there any way to make silos exclusive to food items? I haven’t looked at container code yet, but it would be great if you could make specific high-storage containers for different stuff. Silo for food, rack for weapons, vault for gold, etc.
Navigation leaves a lot to be desired. I wish I could use sketchup or wings3d.
edit: i wish i could swap right click and alt, i want to right click to rotate, the quicktool is pointless.
what version of qubicle constructor are you using to make these files?. I have the stonehearth edition of qubicle 1.6 and it does not recognize your objects/projects. I know that I can open and save normal project files and I can export qb files aswell.
I believe the file format of qubicle 2 is different, which is a shame as so many people will have 1.6…
At least some of us have 2 though, so we can qb your files