Minecraft Server - Glowstonehearth

Please whitelist me: DanSpedey

Or gods, gods is fine too.

Thanks, hope to see you on the server!

@jollins haha good point… i just tried jollins but i’ve updated it to your real MC name. so you should be able to log in now. have fun! :smiley:
@Alfie ok sad to hear but i will see that i can install towny or gods then. can we get a peek on the large project you’re working on, just curious…
@DanSpedey sorry for the wait. you’re whitelisted, hop on and have fun!
@naturalnuke yeah still like the concept of gods but i’m not quite sure if this fits together with a faction plugin like towny…
@emanf9 you’re welcome. see you around.


Get me in there, username is CaptainMC

@CaptainMC you’re listed. welcome on board!

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May I join?

Username: Nehbib

I’d love to join as well, in game name is Zoljin (edit) if that doesn’t work try Dundaori

@Nehbib @Zoljin sure thing, you’re whitelisted now. have fun! :earth_americas:

Can I be allowed to join, My in game name is EternalDarkness2

Let’s get this server a little more active, people! I’d love to see it with 5+ people on there. If you’re looking for things to do I’m sure several of us could put you to work. Let’s get this server active again!

i’ve been working on my settlement still…alot of work to do lol

I will start playing a lot again when finals are done… I still need to make a city :stuck_out_tongue:


I can try, but as @81throw said, finals are rolling in quick and must be studied for.

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I’d love to join as well so i can work on my friends palace with him; My in game name is scoutemnroutem

Not gonna lie, I completely misread that…


@scoutemnroutem @Brolaire you’re whitelisted, have fun! :slight_smile:

May I be added to the whitelist as well? My brother plays as Nehbib. My username is Jebbib.

i squeeze in time when i’m not too busy with work

i am legit. let me in so i can play with my friends please c: RYchessKITTIE5