Liveblogging my art project!

Hey guys! It’s been forever since I’ve been on here and made fan art and stuff, buuut, I’m back now! And not studying for midterms! Hooray!

Anyways, I have an art project I need to do for midterms. Its a landscape piece, and it has to be half colored pencil, half collage, in a 2 inch by two inch square checkerboard type of pattern. There has to be a better way to word that, but anyways, I’m doing mine loosely based off of this beautiful image!

Is this allowed? Are there copyright things I’ll get in trouble for here? I hope not, but feel free to please tell me. But anyways, it really is only loosely based off of it. I removed the people and the rabbit statue for simplicities sake, and I added more cacti for color. It’s only a sketch with a little bit of collage at the moment, and you can’t super see the sketch in this picture, but here it is so far.

It’s a work in progress. Anyways, This thing is due on thursday, and I have to return the rubber cement monday, and I’m having such severe motivation problems that I figured I’d like, liveblog my progress I guess, if anyone’s interested at all!


Glad you came back, i’m looking forward to seeing more of your awesome artwork :smile: :thumbsup:

[quote=“sheepasaurusrex, post:1, topic:18420”]
Is this allowed? Are there copyright things I’ll get in trouble for here?
[/quote]i’ll check with TR for you to see if thats against “the rules”

[quote=“sheepasaurusrex, post:1, topic:18420”]
if anyone’s interested at all!
[/quote]i’m interested! i always love to see others artwork, even better is getting to see it documented from start to finish!

I won’t be making any money off of it, if thats important. The only semi-risky thing this might be used for is maybe applying to art colleges, and I’ll credit the original artist. I don’t think that’s plagiarism, is it???

alright, Brad got back to me about it, and using that background as inspiration is perfectly fine, as long as you dont use the Stonehearth logo on your artwork.

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Great! I’m really glad about that, it would have been way too late to change my project I think, haha. Thanks for checking that for me :relieved:

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INTERESTED! Yay for fan artwork and school projects


Also… Are you ever going to draw a stonehearth style Sheeposaurus Rex? Pleeease :stuck_out_tongue:

oh my god, i need to do that :scream: you are a genius

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Hey you’re the actual genius here :smiley: I just work at an Apple Store so people just call me a genius!

Anyway, lame puns aside, I’d really like to see it if you ever do it… I kinda need a new wallpaper.

dont get saucy with me now, lol (get it, like, apple sauce)

i am super flattered :relaxed: dont expect too much though haha, my art isnt wallpaper worthy i dont think. but hey, maybe i can pull it out, we’ll see

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oh also, heres the progress i’ve made so far.

one square! this is… this is gonna be a while…


yo @victorzimmer this isnt in stonehearth style or in any sort of color, but count it as sort of a concept art i guess

Bam! Sheepasaurus rex. Procrastination at its fluffiest!


Soooo is this going to be included in the next Jurassic Park sequel?

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Alright, last update on this for tonight, I’m done for now.

i got another square of collage done, and two of colored pencil. Im really hoping that this is one of those art pieces that I start liking when its a little closer to done, because I dont much care for it now. But hey, one can only hope.


Looks cool so far, can’t wait for tomorrow :wink:


Alright, so i dont forsee me getting too much work done on this today, because ive got an absolutely stupid-difficult econ project to do, but ill post an update when and if i have time to work on it


alright well that was the single hardest project ive ever done. but now its done, so i can work on this more! i have to leave soon to go eat dinner, but ill try to update you before i go

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welp! we had to leave earlier than i thought. heres what ive got so far. i think its turning out ok, right?

i mean, at least i think so. i hope so.


Sheepasaurus Rex is great. Have I missed something or is that a fan creation based on your name?

Can certainly see an experiment gone wrong scenario where these giant sheep walk around terrorising your villagers!

thats just my name haha, i have no clue where it came from.

that would be hilarious if it were in the game, if only i were good with qubical