Hey guys as the title says I’ll be doing some fan art so here is my first:
His name is Victor the Villager.
Here’s another one:
Her name is Cassandra the Carperender
The third instalment:
His name is Seth the Soldier!
This little fella was requested of me:
His name is William and this is the link to the creators page:
Project Animated Entertainment - Steps on learning Animation
My fifth creation:
A raiding Goblin named Gauleb
Number 6 in my drawings:
It’s the Cthulhu Titan
hey @BoltzMan… perhaps its just me, but this is all i see… 
I have the same problem! You are not alone Steve!
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Sorry but a I have to finish it. 
i cant wait to see what you come up with.
Insert image doesn’t exist any more XD
excellent… these look great! keep refining your skill, and posting new images! 
Really cute cartoony style, keep it up!
Thanks for drawing my character, he looks sooooooo adorable! Glad to see your drawings are really getting noticed!
Maybe I should ANIMATE them
Ya that’ll be great if you do!!!
Hey guys I will be doing a one a day/one every second day type of transition for my drawings. Just so I don’t run out of ideas too soon.
I like your guys a lot! there so cut.