I think I need to get out more

the internet, quite literally, just :collision:

you sir, are a voxel wizard!


@Froggy I Command thee to make a Module For This!!!
P.S. Wonderful Job Here Sir @Froggy !!! Keep it Coming!!! :smile:

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A simple rehash of a stonehearth concept soldier


simple, and yet so very very awesome…

dead or alive, you’re coming with me…

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Now just change the black line in the visor to red…

Cylon Qubicles?!?..

I was thinking Cyclops, but Cylons would be pretty creepy too… Just have characters randomly morph into Cylon…

That would be interesting and extremely challenging. I’ve never actually had the patience to learn any chess stratagems, so I just usually run a suicide assault and trade for pieces until the end game, where I clean up the board and try to win. It works decently, but only against other non-Chess players

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@Tom Fine… I’ll try square crowns :stuck_out_tongue:

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@Froggy Poor Froggy, you know what I say in these cases? Well…poop

Also, why are your knights not using the stick horse you made! Outrageous!

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@Geoffers747 Probably because froggy is depressed about the circular crown thing

I know, I’m terrible. I would have to render them in 3dsmax in order for them not to look naff. I got lazy. I promise square crown update will have horses on a stick!

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Don’t make a girl a promise you can’t keep.

Although there is :cake: involved.

nobody is paying attention to me well…poop

I was about to go to bed … but I felt a bit harsh leaving without acknowledging you!

scratches Newfs belly ‘Whosahgoodboy’? Feel better?

FINALLY!!! ACKNOWLEDGEMENT!!! well atleast tonight is not a total failure

Now that I finally have some real time to myself, I revisited my chess set.

I’m slowly working through each model making sure that they ‘feel’ Stonehearthy and are 3D printable. (No floating parts)

First up. Hail to the King baby!


Turns out @Tom was right about the square crown -.-


yea, square crown looks better