Grimm's Voxel Fun

Hmm this is going to be rather quite difficult me thinks; feathers are winning this battle so far.


@GrimMethod Cool bird but maybe if you make him look more feathery and make his bottom jaw more beaky it will help him look more bird-like otherwise the shape and everything has put you off to a nice start :smiley:

That is the plan it’s just the feathers are not turning out how they need haha; here’s the new beak and the start of the feathers for the tail also it’s blue now.


Yeah, textures for feathers and stuff are a pain in the butt… I like that first one though, the color is perfect for underneath feathers… Perhaps thats the chick right after its hatched?

That’s a great idea thank you :smiley: I forked that first bird into a new file before saving the blue one over it. I was trying to do some thinking and looking at other threads when I stumbled on yours @Paranundrox ; there’s a reason my tribal people are all bald haha.

Speaking of “forked” there might have been a rage induced accident involving the Chieftan, Witchdoctor, and the fire pit.

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Yeah, and there’s a reason I’m only doing hairless creatures…

For that leg of mystery meat, might I suggest elongating the meat part to make it a bit more oblong to get that standard “drumstick” look that is synonymous with primitive meals?

This overgrown chicken is losing this battle of feather hate.

This is what he’s going to look like if he continues fighting me with these feathers. Haha.

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That drumstick looks much better. Good luck with those feathers, you’re gonna need it… :laughing:

Psshaw nonsense it’s going great!


@GrimMethod … well done my friend… you have certainly found a niche! i could definitely see your tribal peeps appearing in SH…

and i love the direction the blue bird is headed, but perhaps the beak is too busy?

Aside from the use of Comic Sans, that genuinely made me chuckle!

@Paranundrox I think Comic Sans gets a bad rep man; what good is it for if not for comics?!

@SteveAdamo Thank you sir; it all started with the war drum for my mage and those feathers. Now that I need real feathers though they hate me haha.

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It was an epic struggle but I broke the secret of my feathers.


Boisterous Applause
Those are some pretty awesome feathers… If only I could do the same with hair…

Cries in corner

Chieftain @GrimMethod I must ask are you Getting the Bird model from the Inspiration of a Dodo Bird???
P.S. Either way I Still LOVE IT @GrimMethod !!!
P.S.S. More Flightless Birds Please!!!

Well this bird just got cranked up to super awesome.

@KingMooCow Pretty much insert any mythical/fantasy flightless bird in there and yeah haha. I have a sidebar of bird pictures loaded next to my qubicle that I’ve been staring at lol.


So Basically @GrimMethod this is a Dodo riding Tribesman???
LOVE IT!!! Keep ON!!!

Holy crap, that is perfect. It seems like the legs are splayed to far, but the more I look at it the more sense it makes… I can just see the poor bird bobbing up and down as it runs with the villager hanging on for dear life…

@Paranundrox Yeah I actually could adjust the feet a little they could move one voxel closer to better fit the saddle; I also pushed his body forward one voxel.

@KingMooCow Of course they’re bird riding tribals where else would all the feathers come from in their armor and huts?! Haha.

He’s lining up his shot.


That, Is. Freaking. Adorable.

It looks almost like a Torchic as well… :wink: