[Giveaway] Stonehearth Swag!

9/30/13 … updating the original post with the “rules” to grab your free stickers:

ok gang, starting now, please submit your response to “why i would love to have 2 Stonehearth stickers”…

try to incorporate a means of sharing the additional sticker…

it can be as simple as “because i would love to give one to my little brother”, or as intricate as… well, imagine something intricate, and you get the idea… :stuck_out_tongue:

for simplicity’s sake, i’ll send you one sticker of each kind (vertical and horizontal)… makes it easier to keep things even…

have fun! :+1:

orignal post:
ok folks… i have a bag full of goodies from Team Radiant… most of which will be used for our competitions, but i have more than i think will be needed… potentially a good deal more…

with that in mind, i was thinking about possibly having a “spread the love” sort of effort… this is all off the cuff, and i havent talked with either @Geoffers747 or @sdee about this idea, so take it with a grain of salt, and give me your feedback…

the basic idea so far, is to have folks suggest ways in which they can share items, should they receive them… in other words, you would submit why you should get two Stonehearth stickers, and how you would go about sharing the love… i.e. you give one to a friend/colleague, etc.

i am more than happy to send out these goodies, but it would be really cool if you all could in turn spread them around a bit…

thoughts? suggestions? how can we turn this into a fun event, and also get these stickers into other peoples hands?

the t-shirt will likely end up in a separate give-away, as i dont want just one for the writer’s workshop (doesnt seem fair)… still deciding on that one… ok, let me know what you all think!

here’s the goodies we have on tap (tons of stickers, and 1 XL t-shirt):

horizontal sticker

vertical sticker

XL t-shirt

Stonehearth Ninja


Excellent! Indeed, I would be as Santa Claus, spreading joy and love to the world with my zealous evangelicalism for the wondrous world of Stonehearth!

If that doesn’t convince you, I will definitely come up with something a little more suitable.

hahaha… well, im not looking for feedback on why folks should get stickers (yet)… i was really more interested to see if this was a descent idea, and something to be pursued… :smile:

Well, what kind of a question is that? Of course it’s a good idea, silly man. You have been granted my permissions, acceptance, and best wishes throughout this campaign.


I think it’s a pretty damn cool idea. Of course my way of spreading the love is that I’ll be giving the second copies of first release (I’m learning :book:) and the full game to the most influential friend in my group, in the hope that, as happened with MC, everyone else will follow suit. Not sure if I’ll need stickers for that (I may change my mind though :wink:) but I think this is a neat idea.

Out of curiosity, how did you actually get these goodies? It wasn’t a Kickstarter thing was it? Is it just for being such a fine mod?

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Wouldn’t you need to go to the outside to be able to promote Stonehearth through the aid of T-shirts? What a dark, dark task you bring to the table, @SteveAdamo.


thanks… noted! :smile:

@sdee and the rest of Team Radiant were gracious enough to send us some swag, to be used as competition prizes… but they were very generous in the quantities, and i simply have more than i would need… hence, the free swag! :blush:

my apologies… i think its worth the risk of exposure to sunlight though…


Awesome idea! Me, I think I’d stick one on the side of the ambulance I work on and see how quickly I get in trouble for doing it…(BTW, is there another way to get ahold of the stickers? The one with the sword is sweet!)

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I would totally pay to have one of those vertical stickers.

as it stands right now, no… but i would imagine they will be offered via the official swag store, once it is actually up and running… t-shirts, stickers, etc.

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How did you go about quoting something I said on a totally unrelated thread? :D.



well, i suppose its safe to say folks want to pursue this option… :smile:

ok gang, starting now, please submit your response to “why i would love to have 2 Stonehearth stickers”…

try to incorporate a means of sharing the additional sticker…

it can be as simple as “because i would love to give one to my little brother”, or as intricate as… well, imagine something intricate, and you get the idea… :stuck_out_tongue:

have fun! :+1:

Wait, is this thread about brainstorming new ways to promote StoneHearth?

My method of sharing would either include sending one to a big-time Youtuber, or creating a bonding experience with my brother. They grow up so fast… /me cries out of joy and sadness

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no sir, but thanks for reminding me… i’ll tweak the title… i originally wasnt sure if the idea of giving out stickers to folks who will in turn share the love with others would be well received…

it seems like it has been, so from here on out, just post per my request above… step right up folks, get your free SH swag! :smile:

Then hook me up with a vertical sticker, and I’ll post a pic of it on my ambulance :wink:


Excuse me?

here lies some characters to make this above 20


Hmm, working in retail, I’d very likely toss it in as a gift with a down-to-earth polite gaming customer :smiley: let em know about the game. The other, I’d totally hog to myself, potentially cuddle it, and call it my precious. On the other hand I may hide it so I don’t have to look at it and be reminded that I can’t play Stonehearth… yet.


Ooops…guess that was a bit vague…what I SHOULD have said was, “Hook me up with the vertical sticker and I’ll take a pic of it applied to the ambulance I work on”


welcome aboard @Revenantal! :smile:

glad this competition may have pulled you from the shadows… :wink:

excellent idea… :+1: