ahh yes, the period of time which shall never be referenced again good ol days…
You filthy ghe*****… err… nevermind. It’s out there.
@SteveAdamo I did see a blue shine around the picture either on the try- or the meta-forum of discourse. However, it is not there anymore. It looked more or less like the blue glow you see in the overview, highlighting the user who has posted last. Would be nice to distinct the moderators / administrators from the “common people”, not only by the background of the name.
P.S. @ManOfRet A bit “off topic”… but take a look into this post on the discourse-forum and you might find an answer. I guess it will be one of the two partners of Discourse, or discourse themselves.
I need to ask you guys, which forum, out of all of the ones that you host, has the largest amount of members? And which one is your favorite to visit? This is directed at any discourse staff that happen to come this way, especially @system.
ohh… that would make for a nice distinction… it works well to see the most recent poster… well, perhaps one of the discourse folks can comment on it…
fancy… I would prefer you to have a hot pink glow, and Joffers sort of a light blue as to distinguish who plays which role in the relationship
pink was sooo last week… im now more of a fuchsia…
Oh please. You are magenta all over.
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