Super awesome, congrats to Albert and his to-be. Also a huge welcome to Chris! All proper superhero teams have 5 members.
Can I artfully deposit a few questions on terrain generation here for any upcoming streams? I’m not sure where to leave these, I’m not able to be on when the streams happen usually.
Mainly I was curious about generation API. I realize it’s literally being written now, so I know specifics aren’t available.
How much control will we have to script changes to the initial generation? Such as can I specify special starting terrain (example: from a Qubicle model), or would I need to use the API to create “in-game” this terrain? It seems hard to insert a custom area into a generated map is why I ask.
A better example: Say I need a large lake with an island on it, and I need it fairly specific to fit these buildings and events that I plan for a module. Is it possible for me to specify this, and if so, is it done thru generation APIs or via importing a giant lake model I drew up in Qubicle. Just curious if I should start modeling a bunch of lakes
P.S. Like the wolf!