[Dev Blog] Moving Day, Part 2!

Who would have expected a second part that fast? Looks like it was a busy day and I have the feeling Chris (aka @not_owen_wilson) is a younger version of me, if that’s him next to Stephanie :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.


P.S. What a pitty that the crafting system is not fully implemented. The carpenter could have helped here :wink:.

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Ah, furniture assembly, always an excellent way to burn way more time than planned… The office looks great though!


it is indeed… adds image to Stonehearth collage

congrats on being more moved in, than you were yesterday… :smile:

edit: copious amounts of Cat-5, and … the wombat!


edit #2:

Maybe we can do a quick tour of the office as well!


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lol it wen’t through YAY~!

Errrr mah gerd… If you look through the gallery, we finally have confirmation of Albert’s/Chris’ existence… can’t be sure which one yet, though.

@SteveAdamo Ok, challenge accepted Agent Scully.

… I see a nice Swopper, very healthy (I have one by myself… does it qualify me as “old”?).


well, Albert is away on his wedding still (i believe), but here’s a helpful pictorial guide for you… :smile:

bonus image!


his names not albert its Alberto, get it right

I think this sums up my feelings every Tuesday quite adequately.

Anyway @SteveAdamo I think Tony is on the left (sporting the Stonehearth t-shirt) and Tom is on the right? It’s a 50/50 chance though! There will be one day at some point over the next 5 years when we are able to tell them apart.


i can easily distinguish by their voices and mannerisms… but in the image? no chance for me… :smile:

I think tony should start wearing a mask of tom and tom should wear a mask of tony


After seeing the companion cube in the first 2 pics (and once in the previous moving day post) and the wombat in the third, i’m now looking for a plushie in every picture, i haven’t found any more :frowning:

the cube is relatively new, while the wombat has been a staple of images/videos from the beginning… go back and watch the campaign video… its all sorts of awesome… :smile:

I meant inside the moving blog stuff :slight_smile: but yeah i knew the wombat was around (have seen most of the livestreams)

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How about an update, i.e. another virtual tour through the “a bit more furnished” office with the complete team?

This was the most exciting front door I have ever seen. I am shaking out of pure excitement. I can barely hold myself. The door frame really screams adventure, while the positioning is just wicked.

They should call Google to streetmap their office. The team could then be sights or something.

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@sdee pls do dis, pls

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be careful what you wish for…

envisions tours of the office kitchen, and seeing @Tom’s arrangement of the condiments … in alphabetical/chronological order

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